What is your skin type?

Urgh oily. My T-zone, nose and forehead get really oily by the end of the day; sometimes I have to resort to washing my face multiple times a day (Yes, I know it isn't good for your skin) just because it irritates me so much
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dry/oily red skin mostly. i asked to go to the dermatologist to see what they'll say even though it isn't terribly bad. i'm afraid its rosacea so better to just be safe and check anyways
I have normal to dry extremely sensitive skin. I've been allergic to every single sunscreen I've ever used in my life, I can't wear fabric bandaids because the adhesive irritates my skin (latex and rubber bandaids are fine though for some reason), I'm allergic to some types of fabric softener, I have a lot of trouble with skin care products (even moisturizer), and because I'm so pasty, I can't be out in the sun for more than 30 minutes without starting to burn.
Urgh oily. My T-zone, nose and forehead get really oily by the end of the day; sometimes I have to resort to washing my face multiple times a day (Yes, I know it isn't good for your skin) just because it irritates me so much

Have you tried blotting with toilet paper (separate into 1 ply) throughout the day instead of washing? It might be that washing multiple times a day is making the glands work overtime to compensate for all the washing. My skin (and hair) works like this and it's super oily as well.
My skin is fair and really sensitive to the sun and anything intense such as shaving or waxing. My eyebrows get so red omg.

As far as the oily vs dry thing, it varies. Around my eyebrows flake but my forehead and nose get oily so it's confusing.
I'm not sure. Normal? It's not especially dry or oily. I do get cold easily but I don't think that's due to anything with my skin. For a fair skinned ginger I don't sunburn especially quickly either, but I can't hold a tan - I get freckles instead.
My skin is fair and really sensitive to the sun and anything intense such as shaving or waxing. My eyebrows get so red omg.

As far as the oily vs dry thing, it varies. Around my eyebrows flake but my forehead and nose get oily so it's confusing.

Sounds like a combination T-Zone. Sometimes my T-Zone gets like that and sometimes it is oily forehead and dry nose.
Sensitive, oily, combo? It's definitely oily and sensitive but sometimes my medication or the climate can make it dry as well. Worst combination ever! I get sunburned easily too. I try my best to be meticulous, given the nature of my skin but it can get tedious sometimes. I know that my acne is hormonal so I was thinking about doing something about that. However, the more I research, the more unappealing those options look.
Mine gets so oily like you could probably fry an egg on my forehead its ridiculous!!! I'd like to think I'm over-exaggerating but I'm not
combination & acne prone

i get dry patches in between my eyebrows and around my spots. it's flake city up in here.
then the rest is sorta oily?
Sensitive and oily. It's hard finding products that don't make my skin react badly, my complexion can get red quite easily, it honestly drives me nuts.