What is Your Personality Type?

What is your personality type?

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I got ISFP yet it’s so far from the truth lol, strengths “charming, sensitive to others” couldn’t be further from the truth
I have been an INFP for many years. I usually take the test once a year and sometimes I end up as a INFJ - the percentage of the last letter is always a close call between J and P. The description of Mediator fits me almost perfectly I’d say.

I was quite surprised to see how many fellow INFPs are around the forum :)
Ok, no clue what it means but I got ISFP-T.

edit: found synopsis so just going to see now 😊💜
Edited: As I learn a little more, 16 isn't a very good test. I recommend sites like Keys2cognition (Edited: looks like the site has been take over, be careful trying to access it!) or this. I believe they do a little better, but still take it with a grain of salt. This stuff is more like a idea of which one you could be. It's best to read about the functions, all of them.
Also no test is 100% accurate. that includes the 'official' one.

Anyone could do the things that 16 says, ANYONE!...so yeah.
(Even though those other sites gives me INFJ or INFP too...and apparently INTJ?)

Also I recommend these books and the ones here: Here

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I'm either an INFJ or INFP.

Edited: I took the 16 Personalities one again, after not taking that one in months, and got INFJ-T this time. The last time I had INFP-T.
I wonder if it's because I answered more honestly this time????
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I’m an ENFP. It’s better and much more accurate to look at the cognitive functions, though. I think these tests can be inaccurate and your answers will vary depending on your mood.