What is your favourite video game console?

Ah, same here! I'm in love with my New 3DS XL.
The SNES without a doubt. Nintendo, Capcom, Konami, Square and many others where at their absolute best during those years and produced many of my all time favorite games.
The Wii. In my opinion, it was the last great console Nintendo made.

Before the Network IDs and Miiverse and all that other rubbish came about
Very tough question. Nintendo 64 is the most memorable one from my childhood. The PS3 carries the majority of my top 10 favourite games. The 3DS's game library is outstanding, and I never tire of streetpassing people. It's like a virtual high five which is always fun. So it's out of those three consoles. If I had to pick one, I'd probably say PS3.
let's see
jak and daxter, spyro, rayman 2 and 3, croc, psychonauts, xenosaga, vib ribbon, medievil, pandemonium, oddworld, mr. domino, rachet and clank, crash, god of war, little big planet, that one game where it's a fairy-tale massacre,
the gamecube was pretty cool too
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Nintendo 64
mostly because nostalgia and good memories, tbh.
but come on. Paper Mario. Mario Golf 64. NO OTHER MARIO GOLF IS AS GOOD AS 64 I don't care lol fite me :'(
also I really loved Hey You Pikachu ok :(
and. POKEMON SNAP. why hasn't Pokemon Snap been brought back on a newer console? ;__;
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The GameCube was my childhood and I still have mine, but I mostly play on my 2DS so I'll go with that.
As unusual as it might seem, the Wii might be my choice. I like quite a few GameCube games and the Wii has backward compatibility with it, as well as a good selection of Virtual Console titles. While the Wii itself didn't have many titles that interested me other than Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, its versatility is nice. Never really did like the motion controls though, and use the GameCube controller whenever possible.

Honorable mentions go to:

Sega Genesis: The first console I ever played. I enjoy a lot of stuff that came out for the console, quite like the controller, and have a lot of good memories of it.

Xbox 360: I spent a good number of years playing things online with friends. I also don't care about graphics half as much as other people seem to, so I'm still fine with how games looked on it. It can play DVDs and run Netflix too, so, ya know, that's nice.

3DS: The console I play most often these days since I'm a big Pokemon fan.
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Absolutely the Gamecube. As much as I loved the N64 for the classics, GC just fleshed everything out and went above and beyond for its time. It's the console I've bought the most games for, and probably the one I've used the most (Wii might be close because of 2000 hours of Monster Hunter Tri but that's really just one game so I wouldn't count it). The Gamecube gave me some of my favourite games ever like Metroid Prime 1 & 2, Star Fox Adventures, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess... Plus I was absolutely obsessed with Smash Melee when I was about 10. That was the sole purpose I wanted a Gamecube in the first place, and it marked the beginning of one of my favourite eras of gaming.