What is the most regretful thing you have done on Animal Crossing?

I deleted my town a month or so before the update came out because I didn't like my villagers...

Also everytime a character that I dont really like pings to move out I tell them to leave and then a few days later I feel guilty and convince them to stay. I regret that almost every time tbh.
trying to see how much my town was worth but accidentally deleting my town instead c:
I regret having reset my town many times. I thought I'd be happier in a new town but in the end, resetting never helped. I was always wanting something better. I should've just stuck with what I had and made it work.
deleting my first town without selling any of my 'rare' items i still cringe everytime
Not time traveling back to the date I stopped playing before I went on vacation. I lost Jeremiah, who had been in my town since day one.
a few things lol:
not plot resetting (I didn't know how but also didn't try to learn either)
I used to dig up jacob's ladders and clovers bc I thought they were weeds (when I first started)
selling rare unorderables to re-tail
planting a bunch of random flowers around my town. there were so many and it looked messy :/ now I have a color scheme and it looks much better
I regret placing so many PWP's so early in the game. There are so many placement decisions that don't sit well with me.
restarting my town,
i miss my previous town so much :'c

placing campsite next to the roost
I haven't idea why at the time I made a stupid choice like that probably I believed that campsite was a temporary PVP ^^''
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The placement of my mayor's house. And my permanent pwps. I'd reset if I wasn't so attatched to my town. >_<
Placing my campsite just in the middle of a big area....really didn't think that through. Also placed my police station right out of the way, its in an area I never go into as it's at the top right corner. Trying to work it into the town a little better
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