What comforts you when you're sad?


Audie's Simp
Jun 17, 2020
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Something bad happened today, and I need to talk my mind off of it.
I enjoy playing Animal Crossing (obviously), but I also like distracting myself with a good show or another video game. I started reading a series as well which is pretty comfy. I like wrapping myself in blankets and keeping warm too.
Video games are the big one. Mostly because they engage the mind in a way that simply watching a show or a movie does not. But, I also like watching pro wrestling. I feel like pro wrestling has the advantage of being such a niche product...where it's not "real", but real stuff happens...and the entire focus is on entertaining, and making people happy. It's really the only product of its kind in that sense. It's basically a pure shot of entertainment with nothing else in the way. Not necessarily the mainstream WWE stuff (which can often be more annoying than anything else)...but, watching a good independent show, or something like NJPW or MLW will always cheer me up if I'm in a bad mood. Not only is comedy a big element of pro wrestling, but you can always count on being fired up as well. It's really one of the few things that has all the elements I'm looking for when I'm in a bad mood. Of course, I realize that pro wrestling is something most people don't care about...but, that's what works for me. Lol.
i’m sorry you had a bad day ;u;

playing animal crossing is definitely one of the things that i do but i’ll also read, watch tv/netflix/youtube, look at memes, spend time with my cat or if all of that fails, i’ll just take a nap ;;
Honestly comforting myself right now by reading threads and posting on here. But sometimes having a good treat and tea while playing ac comforts me a lot. I do realize I need to talk about my issues but I don't like bothering people with it so I just distract myself which is not healthy lol
Honestly comforting myself right now by reading threads and posting on here. But sometimes having a good treat and tea while playing ac comforts me a lot. I do realize I need to talk about my issues but I don't like bothering people with it so I just distract myself which is not healthy lol
Same here. What kind of teas do you like?
i’m sorry you had a bad day ;u;

playing animal crossing is definitely one of the things that i do but i’ll also read, watch tv/netflix/youtube, look at memes, spend time with my cat or if all of that fails, i’ll just take a nap ;;
thank you!! ;^; i've definitely been kinda sleepy today. what kind of things do you like to watch?
thank you!! ;^; i've definitely been kinda sleepy today. what kind of things do you like to watch?

i typically watch grey’s anatomy but sometimes i’ll watch ac gameplay, drama videos or just something funny to keep my mind off things aha ;u;
I’ll watch a happy, “mindless” show like Friends, Parks and Rec, etc. in the background while I play animal crossing.

If I’m really sad, I’ll curl up in a blanket and text my boyfriend. He’s very perceptive and emotionally intelligent, so he usually knows exactly what to say to make me feel better.

candles are also very comforting.
I like to do something active, like cleaning or drawing or going to the park. Tends to take my mind off it more than just chilling, and cleaning especially can be quite therapeutic for me.

For an example, I didn't feel great today and was also a little bit depressed, so I put together the desk and chair I've been dreading for ages and now I feel accomplished and much better!
Talking to my husband, cuddling up with my dog, or taking a long, hot shower are the most comforting things for me to do when I'm having a bad day. I also like to play video games, read, or watch something on TV to relax and take my mind off things.

I'm sorry you had a bad day. I hope you feel better soon.
oh im sorry you had a bad day try and do whatever makes you happy or just relax if you can. take a nice bath or a hot or cold shower maybe? i hope your days get brighter <3

  • watching youtube vids works. something that'll make laugh, baking asmr vids, etc. i have a happy factory playlist just for this actually! it's a playlist i fill with videos that make me happy
  • playing video games help sometimes especially if it's happy and cute like kirby or animal crossing
  • i'll go through my stuffed animals and name each one and check to see if any need sewing. that calms me down sometimes
  • making list calms me down oddly?
  • playing with my stim toys helps.
  • mostly just try to distract yourself
I hope your day only gets better! :)

When I feel down, I usually brew some tea and sit down in a quiet area to read. If I'm tired, I will take a nap and when I wake up, it's like I'm reborn :LOL: Sometimes when my cats can sense that I am down, they would come and lay down next to me and let me pet them, usually they have an attitude and would not let me pet them unless they want to be pet. My dogs are a little too energetic sometimes that I do not seek them out when I'm down. There are days when you feel down but lift up your head up and enjoy the little things in life. I like the feeling of sitting under a big tree, you can feel the warmth from the sun rays that manage to penetrate the gaps between the tree leaves, the coolness of the shade the big tree provides and the occasional breeze from passing winds; nature can be very comforting for me :giggle:

I don't know why but watching this video always improves my mood. Hearing some of my favorite Mario tunes played with those instruments is oddly therapeutic. Brings me back to a much nicer time in my life I think. No other medley has been able to create quite the same feeling as this one has, so I'm really glad it exists.
What kind of stim toys do you use/recommend? I have
dermatillomania and minor trichotillomania
and need pretty constant physical and sensory stimulation.
I have a dough ball, a squishy teddy bear, a fidget spinner, a squishy frog, a squishy strawberry, rubbing small round glass like a marble or beads is one, fluffy textures help so a lot of my stuffed animals, a jingle bell cause I like the noise, and a rattling toy from mcdonald's again cus of the noise. Also I stim sometimes with the advanced gaming buttons on my switch controller since I don't have them set for anything so i just mash them sometimes or shake my controller. I also recommend bubble wrap.

The fidget spinner helps when I'm upset cause I can just focus on it's spinning, spin it really hard with my hand, and or wiggle it while it's spinning for the weight. Plus they're pretty cheap and easy to find. I mostly use the dough ball while gaming cause it helps me get frustration out, I like the texture, and it also helps to make sure I keep my hands stretched too. And anything else I can either squeeze or shake really hard and the noise is nice.

If you're interested in getting a stim toy or two a good site is stimtastic. They have good quality stuff and it's all relatively cheap too. No one's stims are the exact same so I hope you can find something that works for you. :3
I'd probably go to my "favorites" playlist on YouTube, most of the videos I liked made me laugh a lot and have a lot of rewatch value to me. It's nice to laugh with something familiar.