What are your thoughts on the new rise of modding in ACNH?

i dont want to mod cause im lazy and its not worth the risk. but if i did mod i would want to consume e v e r y t h i n g
I have no issue with other people doing it (as long as it's not going to affect other people playing vanilla), and I think a lot of the modded things I've seen are really cool and pretty, but I wouldn't go near it myself. ^^; Mostly because Nintendo is very firm in their stance against it, and I enjoy playing on my Switch too much to want to risk getting it bricked ahaha. Even if they were fine with it though, I'd probably still avoid it just because I'm not very savvy with this sort of thing, and I wouldn't want to risk messing anything up myself either.

I've gotta say though—I think largely in part due to their unfortunately illicit nature—modded AC makes me feel a little nervous? I stopped visiting random dream addresses in New Leaf because there were so many modded towns, and while a lot of them were very beautiful, the worry that interacting with the wrong thing might negatively impact my save file kinda dampened my ability to enjoy them. ;; I never encountered anything outright malicious, like the people who would misplace the bed or anything, but there were a couple times I came across some things that seemed... very iffy. It sucked, because I liked the variety I'd see in the random addresses, but I'll probably take the same precautions with ACNH.
I honestly can't blame anyone for modding the game. Even with the 2.0 update, ACNH feels very unfinished to me, like the game was abandoned too early.

There's a lot of cool custom items, I especially like all the new tree types and the strawberry crops I've seen. If modding we're simpler, I'd do it to my Switch, but I don't want to risk my save file.
My thoughts exactly. They starved us with droplets during the entire game's lifespan. Why did it have to take months for swimming to be an option on an island surrounded by water?
As long as people are enjoying themselves and not using it to harm other innocent players, I have no problem with it. Modding can really breath new life into games. Plus, sometimes game mods might inspire new features in future games. Square Enix added a wingsuit to Just Cause 3 after someone made a "superman" flying mod in Just Cause 2. I don't know if Nintendo really cares that much though. Most of the time I feel there is an extreme disconnect between Nintendo and players. Nintendo did at the very least give players the ability to move rocks, buildings, and bridges, and the ability to reshape the rivers and landscape. So they might be listening somewhat to what to the wants and needs of Animal Crossing players.

My thoughts exactly. They starved us with droplets during the entire game's lifespan. Why did it have to take months for swimming to be an option on an island surrounded by water?

Agree. I feel 2.0 should have dropped closer to the 1 year anniversary. Everyone had been wanting the Café since day 1, something that has been in every one of its Animal Crossing games from day 1, and we all ended up waiting about a year and a half for it. A lot of the holiday events in this game were recycled straight from New Leaf and they still withheld those from the game. Either to stop time travelers from spoiling them or to simply defer development.

COVID might have hurt things going forwards, but after they had already delayed the game into late March 2020, I don't know how v1.0 could have released as bone dry as it was. IIRC, v1.0 didn't even include the Nook store upgrade. And unfortunately, as of 2.0, the store upgrade from v1.1 is still the final upgrade. v2.0 is severely lacking at least 1 more upgrade for the store. Especially now with the added furniture which includes ceiling stuff.

I really hope they do better with the next game, and I would really love it if they built a dedicated Animal Crossing dev team so they can continue to maintain new content big/small throughout each game's lifespan. Nintendo should stop sleeping on Animal Crossing. It's a really good game and concept, and as much as people try, they can never copy the magic of this game.
@JKDOS The strange thing is that people were showing screenshots of villagers talking about Brewster since launch. And a lot of the stuff they withheld from us villagers were doing from day one. For example date locked emotions, handheld consumables, and other trinkets. If I remember right, we couldn't even sit down at the start and that was one of the first emotion updates. Which we got in October or November. So 8 or 7 months after launch and we still didn't get all the stuff villagers were doing from day 1.

I remember playing this during the beginning and feeling like I was an outcast in the game because I couldn't do anything the villagers could. Like I truly wasn't part of the experience and simply just a spectator looking through glass.

Brewster shouldn't have even taken a year to come, especially if a lot of this content was already finished (how could it not be finished if AI villagers could do it?) That's a question I would love to hear answered by Nintendo. They were simply withholding this to artificially lengthen the game's lifespan.
@TheDuke55 @JKDOS I'm honestly still butthurt about how they handled the game. It was embarrassing. I'm trying to just enjoy the game for what it is but all that drama still lingers in the back of my mind and makes enjoying it tough. Maybe modding is the way to go after all lol.
I've come to accept it. But it legit felt like the game was beta early access before November 2021.

I think I'd actually mod my switch for NH if there was a way to make all the other rooms the same size as the main one.
I've come to accept it. But it legit felt like the game was beta early access before November 2021.

I think I'd actually mod my switch for NH if there was a way to make all the other rooms the same size as the main one.
It really does feel like we got a beta version of the game. We got updates that were things that should have already been in the game. It’s one of the reasons why I am considering restarting my second island.( if I can ever think of a good name for it) I want to restart it as a completed game. I don’t even know what the requirements were to get Brewster and the shops at Harv’s island. There was no sense of accomplishment since anything we would have had to do was already completed.
This discourse about the drip feeing content is really interesting to me. I, personally, don't feel so bothered by stuff like diving, seasonal events and Brewster's being delayed? It felt very in spirit of AC where not everything is unlocked in the beginning and you have to wait days in real time to earn things (unless of course, you TT, which I feel is why it wasn't all included day 1). To me, AC is supposed to be played in leisure and not a speedrun to unlock everything. I am in total agreement that it feels like there weren't enough though and they kind of dropped the game half done. NH has way more potential than what we have right now. u_u

Of course everyone enjoys games differently so I totally understand why anyone is upset that it wasn't there from the start.

But back to the actual topic of modding. I don't mind it as long as you aren't intentionally trying to sabotage other players.. I wouldn't jump into it myself (or at least not anytime soon, maybe when the Switch is replaced by the next gen console, but in general I'm not into hacking/modding my electronics) but like I said above, people enjoy games their way. Modded items are seriously gorgeous and a great to fill in the stuff that we never got in the vanilla game,
@FrostyAlmonds Drip feed and locked content are two separate things. I loved locked content in the previous games and the sense of progression. I hated what NH did where I had to wait two months to dive because the devs did not add it to the game because they were behind or withhold it to pad the game's lifespan (I don't know which it really is)

And Brewster and most of the other true beefy update came a year and a half after launch. There isn't a sense of progression there. It's just waiting. Most of the content in year one was just updating seasonal holidays.
@FrostyAlmonds Drip feed and locked content are two separate things. I loved locked content in the previous games and the sense of progression. I hated what NH did where I had to wait two months to dive because the devs did not add it to the game because they were behind or withhold it to pad the game's lifespan (I don't know which it really is)

And Brewster and most of the other true beefy update came a year and a half after launch. There isn't a sense of progression there. It's just waiting. Most of the content in year one was just updating seasonal holidays.

Not sure we will ever get an answer, but until we get some official word, I suspect it was both. Some of the content was definitely withheld to extend the life of the game (Nintendo has started doing this with other titles too which is also a bummer), but it's hard to imagine the pandemic didn't throw them off their original schedule.
Honestly, the game needed 2.0 faster and still needs a 3.0 before it could feel complete, but I know the devs have abandoned it now and said there will be no new updates. Heck, I'd even love another paid DLC if it let me put some more buildings on my island - maybe Reese and Cyrus with their Recycle Shop (don't care for them, but going to Harv's island everytime I want to reskin an item is so annoying), Katrina's Tent, Leif's Flower Shop, and Kicks with a place for his shoes and handbags. Not to mention another Nook Upgrade or a shop for Gracie! It's difficult to fill out my island with what little we've got. Hopefully in the next game we get an actual town. I'd love another city-themed game. It's frustrating to already be looking forward to the next game like this, too, because I know Nintendo's not going to release Animal Crossing for Switch, and who knows how long before the next console comes out.
Not sure we will ever get an answer, but until we get some official word, I suspect it was both. Some of the content was definitely withheld to extend the life of the game (Nintendo has started doing this with other titles too which is also a bummer), but it's hard to imagine the pandemic didn't throw them off their original schedule.
Yeah I noticed that with Mario Super Strikers (or whatever the soccer game is called) They've been adding more of the cast to the roster and more stages every other month or so. They witheheld Daisy, Paulina, and Diddy Kong from what I have seen. And like NH, people have mentioned how the previous soccer games were chock-full of content compared to how barebone Strikers dropped. Then there's the Wii sports successor that has half the content the originals did back in 2007. Like 15ish years ago.

There might be others, but that's the only two that I can think of currently. I was looking forward to the Sports game until I learned what they did.

I feel like complacency is partly to blame. If everyone keeps buying their half-baked games Nintendo isn't going to stop. It's like this game Subnautica that I really wanted to like because I find survival games like that fun. But the loading times are horrible. Loading a save file takes forever the further you progress and depending on how many bases you build. You can build underwater bases to live underwater and not die from drowing ect. I only built one and it took 5 minutes or more to load my save file each time I booted it up. And the game's terrain could never load properly so I would always clip through empty space and get stuck when it loaded or be waiting forever underwater for the landscape to show up and then drown because I ran out of air.

But the community thinks waiting 15-25 minutes for their game to load is acceptable. Two entirely different games, but when people start thinking this kind of stuff is acceptable, this is the content we get.
Yeah I noticed that with Mario Super Strikers (or whatever the soccer game is called) They've been adding more of the cast to the roster and more stages every other month or so. They witheheld Daisy, Paulina, and Diddy Kong from what I have seen. And like NH, people have mentioned how the previous soccer games were chock-full of content compared to how barebone Strikers dropped. Then there's the Wii sports successor that has half the content the originals did back in 2007. Like 15ish years ago.

There might be others, but that's the only two that I can think of currently. I was looking forward to the Sports game until I learned what they did.

I feel like complacency is partly to blame. If everyone keeps buying their half-baked games Nintendo isn't going to stop. It's like this game Subnautica that I really wanted to like because I find survival games like that fun. But the loading times are horrible. Loading a save file takes forever the further you progress and depending on how many bases you build. You can build underwater bases to live underwater and not die from drowing ect. I only built one and it took 5 minutes or more to load my save file each time I booted it up. And the game's terrain could never load properly so I would always clip through empty space and get stuck when it loaded or be waiting forever underwater for the landscape to show up and then drown because I ran out of air.

But the community thinks waiting 15-25 minutes for their game to load is acceptable. Two entirely different games, but when people start thinking this kind of stuff is acceptable, this is the content we get.

Mario Golf was another one, pretty similar story to Mario Strikers. It only shipped with like half the courses (which is essential to a golf game) and they added the rest through DLC. It really does feel like they are intentionally leaving stuff out and then patting themselves on the back for "free updates."
I'm not too observant with the game anymore, so I've totally missed out on this stuff. I think it's pretty neat though.
I'm all for people enjoying the game however they want to enjoy it - people make a lot of cool things with mods. I don't usually dabble (and won't on my Switch). The visual glitches alone make me walk in the opposite direction, but I did see one person mod their island so that it was only three acres. I'd love a mini island!
I don't mod, but I really like seeing what others make.
I think this trend that's happening will encourage Nintendo to make more interesting items or give them more ideas of what players want to see in the main games (not saying the already existing items aren't interesting, they are). One of the complaints with ACNH after some updates dropped was about items lacking that was similar to pocket camp items (cute, interesting, themed). With the updated graphics, I would imagine they would reuse them in the next game and not make everything from scratch again. They could add on to the overall item roster via in game made up holidays or npc venders.

I'd love for strawberries to exist in ac.
I wouldn't use mods myself because I don't wanna get banned online, but I think it's rad there's a modding scene for the game! Obviously though anyone whos using mods to cause harm to others are mean though. I do wish there was more complex mods that added back features from past games, or improved villager AI though, seeing as most mods just seem to be cosmetic.
I don't mod myself and never will, but the things people use it for can be pretty cool. I've seen modding done in other games before and the consequences of it, however, so it's just not my cup of tea.
@FrostyAlmonds Drip feed and locked content are two separate things. I loved locked content in the previous games and the sense of progression. I hated what NH did where I had to wait two months to dive because the devs did not add it to the game because they were behind or withhold it to pad the game's lifespan (I don't know which it really is)

And Brewster and most of the other true beefy update came a year and a half after launch. There isn't a sense of progression there. It's just waiting. Most of the content in year one was just updating seasonal holidays.
More importantly, you didn't have to pay for any of that content in previous installments.