What Are You Going To Be For October 31st?

TFW you come in to this thread just to say "Sad" or "Depressed" or "Lonely" but you people have already stole all the puns

My workplace has an open costume content for those that want to participate and I decided I'm going to go as someone with a good work ethic

We were allowed to dress up one year just for charity but weren't allowed to wear jammies.
Sadly we haven't been allowed to dress up since :(
I am so excited for Halloween! There is a big Halloween Costume Contest at a local bar that I go to every year. First prize is $1500 for a trip! I won last year for turning an umbrella into a space ship basically, held it over my head and it looked like a beam was coming down to abduct me.

THIS YEAR I am going to be one of those fortune teller arcade machines. My girlfriend and I started over the weekend. We created a box with PVC pipe that will roll on wheels so I can move it easy, and we will build around it to look like a box and I will be giving out fortunes all night.

I. Want. To. WIN!
i don't know what my plans are yet ://
last year i didn't go out because i got a really bad stomachache so i just sat at home w a heating pad. i want to do something this year but i don't know yet. the past few years we've had a little get together with some friends but this year band friends have rehearsal on halloween so.. lol
if i dress up, i'm kind of entertaining the idea of lana skye from ace attorney because she no joke looks exactly like me.
or maybe i'll just find a costume to buy that looks pleasing just for fun lol
I'm not actually dressing up on the 31st, but rather doing so on the 13th-- my family is going to go to Disney together for Mickey's Halloween Party, and I've gotten together a pretty good cosplay of the reporter from Rhythm Heaven ^^
I'm not sure if I actually want to go out this year, but if I do, I think I'll just wear my Hogwarts Hufflepuff robe again because I love it so much. :blush:
i don't know, definitely going to a halloween party but you don't always really need to dress up so...
idk about u guys but i'm going to be wearing my sexy harambe costume again U~U
I haven't decided yet. For the past few years I've done interesting special effects make-up and such. I like to hand out candy and scare the kids, 'cause I feel like Halloween is losing it's scary side to all the "sexy" stuff. But I'm not sure this year. Last year we barely go anyone coming around door to door.

Unfortunately it's also a Tuesday night so there isn't much partying to be done.
I don't know if its just me, but after I was 14 years old, I don't wear a costume on Halloween anymore.