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volunteer work experience


i love my zebras
Nov 23, 2015
Festive Bell
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Holiday Candy Cane 2019
Purple Bat Potion
Purple Violet
Purple Candy
Green Candy
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Pear (Fruit)
-.- I really want to hit him

I'm doing a voluntary work to translate stuff in one of my classes and they are just rushing me
When they don't how my life
And today I try to explain to him and he thinks I dint understand him

I just stop because I dint want it to look like a fight later
But I hate people like that
Rushing work that it's voluntary without no point or cash nothing just because I'm that kind of person

So do you have experience to share?
I worked at a cat shelter as a volunteer for several months. Basically I just went there 2 days a week to feed the cats, clean their litter boxes, and play with them a bit. It was fun. I only stopped doing it because I got too busy.
I love volunteering. I volunteered at a haunted house for four years and last October I volunteered at a Halloween gathering.
I volunteered to do a tree planting in the park near where I used to live. It was freezing cold outside and started raining heavily xD I got soaked and covered in mud, but it was a fun experience overall.
i have volunteered at food drives and organizing donated items but i really want to volunteer at a haunted house to help with sfx and i also teaching english somewhere overseas when i'm older
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I volunteer at the SPCA sometimes. I don't think a volunteer job should be stressful. I mean, at work you get paid to put up with people or situations you might not like. If I was treated rudely when I was giving free help, I'd walk out.
I'm not helping him anymore and the one who agreed with him anymore but come on -.- they should know I do this voluntary so it's not fair
So those 2 are gonna suffer
I volunteered all last summer at a non-profit store, and I eventually had to stop because the people running it treated me horribly. They wouldn't let me eat lunch unless it was on their schedule, they wouldn't let me sit down at any point during my 8 hour shift, hid the key to the bathroom, and were often rude to me (complaining loudly around me that everyone my age is lazy, that I didn't deserve anything I worked for, etc.) and even screamed at their paid employees. I wouldn't put up with being treated like that even if I was being paid. If they want to treat you like that, they can find someone else to do their work.
I've done volunteering for more than half my life! I've packaged peas, installed free smoke alarms, transported donated blood containers, worked an anime conventions, and helped with Summer Reading Programs at libraries. This kind of work feels really good and it looks great on a resume.
I've done lots of volunteer work.

My favorite was helping out in the Special Olympics. It was just a nice atmosphere and I liked seeing the athletes have so much fun. I ended up signing up as a guiding escort for several years.
One time I volunteered to make pancakes with the local church. It was a fun experience and I managed to get a basic idea of how to make pancakes! (P.S. I've tried making them twice and both times my dad yelled at me whenever I made a mistake... I don't know if I should try again or not.)
I voluteered as a visitor host for a specific well known art gallery in my city~
I did it at first, to get better at communicating with people, because I was shy, and wouldn't push myself to talk to people unless spoken to.
But, I also liked to help people, and my job was to merely place my self in areas, where most people would come to, and see if they need any help locating which artist they were looking for, advice on where to go first, or what was best for small kids. The map was kinda confusing due to the layout of the place, so that was my job to show them where to go. Where the toliets were.

After a while, I absoltely LOVED it. I tried staying more hours just to help people. I didn't know much about art, and still don't really, I am not great wiht artists names; but we always carried a lil tablet that had every artist here and at the other site nearby; incase they went to the wrong gallery.

I still remember the first people who I 'helped' and it was so jarring. One was an American couple, who looked - well kinda miserable or stuck up. And it felt so embrassing when I did try and help them. Then one time, I had these huge guys surround me when I was helping them, I didn't realise it until they all started moving hah, and lastly, I remember this one man, who was new to our currency and wanted me to help him putting change in this box so he could grab a map, the maps were technically free; but there were chairty boxes you could give some change to help the gallery.

I did get discounts for the stuff at their art shops, and I got to go into restricted exhibits you HAD to pay for, but I got in it for free, and before they changed it; you were able to have one other person come in for free.
My one fav exhibit - sadly, I forget the name of the guy, really sorry - was this long corridor, which had a heavy mist/fog, which was human made. It smelt more sweeter due to whatever they made it as.
And we hd to go through the corrdor, and the mist was so strong, only a few steps in front of me; you couldnt see the people in front of you and it was so, so awesome! And the more you went down the corridor, the mist changed colours.
After my shift, I always went in there~!

Sadly, due to my job at the time, where i couldn't know when I was having time off, the people at the art gallery got kinda annoyed, I hadn't done any volunteering, and let me go, saying I could come back one I had a better rota or something like that; and I was kinda upset, because I really had been trying, but due to the blasted job of mine, it was hard because there were specific days and tims I could do volunteering, and my boss liked to mess around wiht my hours. ;_;

I think, once I finish this course; I'll see about calling them to see if I can come back. Because i had fun. They once told me to bring back my card, but because I lived nowhere bloody close to th gallery, there was no point, so haven't done so. I wouldn't of tried walking in on a overdue card anyways.
My community service extends back to when I was younger. Without revealing too much, I spent over 200 hours doing voluntary community service as an elective in high school. There was another instance in which I did some community service as well, but I can't really name it without oversharing. I've always believed it's good to extend your help to others if you can, and I've always been someone who puts others before myself, so it's a no brainer. It also just looks good on your resume, as the above posters have alluded to.