• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Views on FB.

I know what you mean, Tumblr is like this at times too. I like fb more though because you can control your privacy and blocking is more efficient. I tend to stray away from extreme SJWs and just people of that nature. It’s an awful lot to grasp, and they’re so strongly engaged in their views, and its almost impossible to hold a conversation without them somehow bringing their intense beliefs into it in the most negative way possible or just being completely ignorant on what they're even talking about. I can’t believe it’s on FB now too though, because from my experience, Tumblr has way too many people like this, that it makes me uncomfortable. Your friend sounds like a huge headache. I’m sorry you had to deal with that :s. I tend to stray away from people like that to avoid any future aggravation.

I ended up just blocking their posts, but then she messaged me asking about when I wanted to get my hair done and asking me why I unliked her status. I told her the initial status was great. The new one didn't express my views and that I didn't like getting notifications of new comments. She got huffy with me. It's funny that she'd post something like that considering she wants to be a professional hairstylist. I'm not sure how some people will react to seeing some of what she has to say. I always try to see both sides and be open-minded; I know not everyone will agree with my opinions, but I try to at least respect their's when they voice them. It's just like being in a room full of people yelling ugly things and you're like, trying not to make things worse by yelling back, but wanting to with all your might. I feel like a coward for saying all this stuff here. I don't want to be ganged up on... :/

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I don't even use facebook anymore.
I use it for giveaways... And sharing pictures of my cat...
It's great for the ACNL groups. But not-so great for the other parts.

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facebook can be pretty toxic, keep getting close to deactivating mine but i'm terrible at not losing phones so it's good for contacting people on

Yeah. I only keep mine to stay in contact with friends I've made that are overseas that can't contact me via phone or for friends that don't have phones.

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There's a reason I left Facebook, so thank you for reminding me!

Kidding aside, I'm pretty sure that I knew a white supremacist from high school, and his posts were always terrifying to read. I glance through my Facebook maybe once every few months for no reason, and I was sad to see that some people who I actually considered to be good friends posting similar kinds of stuff. I've been out of high school for only a few years, so it's nice to see that a few years of college have shaped up my friends so well!

I'm sorry that you have "friends" who are so ignorant and, more importantly, so inconsiderate of your feelings. Hopefully that rant helped some. I think that you have every right to care and be angry even if you think that you should be able to just brush it off and ignore them. It's not easy to ignore them or do the opposite and argue with them/stop being friends with them. I've tried to call out questionable views before and even more so now, but I just get yelled at for being "nitpicky" or, even better, being a "victim." Because the people who say, "[blank] is just the way it is! I can't do anything about it, so stop complaining!" obviously aren't the victims. I'd like to say that I'd start cutting off people from my life who do these things, but it really isn't easy, so I've mostly just been ignoring for now.

We had a few kids like that in high school; it is really scary. And strange. It makes you wonder how their brain works or something. We had a few of those kids and then the kids that a lot of people worried would hurt other students in some pre-planned attack. Our school was known for bomb/gun threats; we had 20 in one year. Kids are scary. Imagining them growing up is terrifying too.

Talking on here helped a lot. I feel a bit cowardly not voicing my feelings like the others did before me, but like you, I'd just be told to lighten up and stop being such a PC loser that takes everything so seriously. Why waste my words on blind eyes.
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ok so this is slightly unrelated maybe but i saw you said that you blocked the person, but i always thought they would be aware of the fact that you blocked them or is this not the case? because i seriously wanna block a fair few people but i can't be bothered offending anyone
ok so this is slightly unrelated maybe but i saw you said that you blocked the person, but i always thought they would be aware of the fact that you blocked them or is this not the case? because i seriously wanna block a fair few people but i can't be bothered offending anyone

I don't think it'll alert them. Do you want to block them from contacting you at all or block their posts so you don't have to put up with their crap spawning on your newsfeed? :)
"I make a difference because I don't see people's skin color." You can SEE someone's skin color, dear. Their skin color is very much a part of who they are and pretending that you're "blind" to that, is like, denying a part of that person.
Very well-put. People need to understand that their skin color is part of who they are. Being "colorblind" would be ignoring cultural differences, whereas they should be celebrated. Also, fun fact, cracker is short for whip-cracker. Not a lot of white people know that, apparently.

Do you have any friends with questionable views that kind of make you cringe? Do you say anything or just kind of hide the status? I just hid all her activity from my view because she's supposed to cut my hair this week and I don't really want to deal with seeing more of what she has to say beforehand.
I did add one of my classmates a year so ago and she... kept making religious posts and sharing religious stuff. I'm not religious and I didn't mind the stuff she was sharing, but then she started posting anti-abortion stuff and then I un-friended her lol.
What annoys me most about Facebook is those people that you don't like but are forced to occasionally see because their friends with some of your friends. It's annoying enough having to interact with them sometimes in person and it's even more annoying being forced to be 'friends' with them on Facebook because deleting them would not be worth all the drama it would cause. I roll my eyes and feel slightly irritated every time I see them on my newsfeed or if they've commented on or even liked one of my statuses.

That and the creepy messages from guys. Also this one guy who likes every single thing I post... unless my boyfriend is tagged in it. Such subtlety.

My absolute pet peeve though is posting gruesome pictures of animal cruelty, injuries and such. I get that you're trying to make a point but you shouldn't force it on other people. I can't stand the sight of blood and it actually really upsets me when I see that stuff on my newsfeed.

Sometimes I hate Facebook, especially on bad days when certain things on there will make my self esteem plummet. I've honestly considered deactivating but I have overseas friends and I am heavily involved in a club at university, which has its committee group on there so I can't.
I don't use Facebook anymore. I'm so not comfortable posting things under my real name for all my family, high school friends and teachers I haven't seen in years to see. It's just way too public. I only maintain my account in case someone ever needs to get in touch with me and they don't have any of my other contact info.
Just so you know, I'd agree with you on anything involving the value of animal life over the value of, well, meat. Anyway, I don't trust Facebook anymore. Ever since I found out about how much information they kept about you, I only use it to speak to close friends who can't be found elsewhere.
I don't have a facebook, even if I *technically* need it for some things, I just don't ever want/feel the need to make one.
A lot of these things aren't particular to Facebook; it's just the internet in general. As someone already pointed out, Tumblr is riddled with pretty asinine commentary as well.

Fortunately the better majority of my friends on Facebook know better than to partake in controversial topics (not because arguing controversial topics is bad per se; it's just not worth it and we all realize that). Facebook itself is a nice ubiquitous means of staying in touch with my friends, especially now that we're all in college and some of us are on opposite ends of the country. If my friends used Tumblr to keep in touch instead of FB, I'd probably have a tumblr account (or some other social media thing) instead of a FB account.
I thought people stopped using FB for anything other than talking to friends like a year ago?

Everyone I talk to has stopped using it for posting and commenting and just talks???
I thought people stopped using FB for anything other than talking to friends like a year ago?

Everyone I talk to has stopped using it for posting and commenting and just talks???

This is exactly what I do... I probably haven't posted in years and only use it to chat to friends

People who complain about their friends being annoying/egotistical etc on facebook, I don't really understand. I don't have any bad people on facebook because they're not my friends ^^
a kno man u knowhis face no his story says this one attention seeker

away f*** yerself dirty bas**** says another who got "cheated" on

its ridiculous
All my friends are begging me to make an account but I don't want to cause it looks boring and i prefer talking to my friends on snapchat.
Facebook is more of a utility tool instead of a way of entertainment. I don't enjoy texting, as I prefer talking in groups with a couple of my friends there. I don't really care about the other people on my feed though.
I like using Facebook purely because it is a good medium to use to keep in contact with friends. I remember I was pen pals with a girl I met on holiday several years ago, and like 2 years ago or so, I end up getting a friend request with her on Facebook (since we stopped writing letters to each other, unfortunately), so I have to admit, I like it for that reason, but probably that reason alone.

I don't really like the ignorance and some of the things people post and share on Facebook, however. Fortunately enough I don't have too many people who do it to me, but sometimes I see it and it really agitates me. Sometimes I see really good posts shared on my home page which makes me happy, but it's usually in between stupid posts and ignorant posts. There are just so many sexist, racist, homophobic, disgusting comments made and they just really make me hate the site. I understand there are ignore buttons, but why should those posts even exist in the first place?

There's a boy who I kind of know (I've spoken to him once or twice, my friends have him on Facebook... His profile picture is of him wearing a fedora, so there's already one big indicator he's going to be an arsehole...), and sometimes my friends like his posts on Facebook, so I often see them appear on my news feed. Often, they are really rude, sexist comments and posts that he and his snotty friends can laugh at. They might just be "jokes", but they're pretty offensive and I know if any girl made a joke about a man on his Facebook, he'd get so angry and wound up about it. He once posted this photo about how "****ed up our generation is (even though I'm pretty sure EVERY generation is messed up in their own ways, that's just life for you)", and reading it just made me laugh so hard because the person who made it clearly has the most ignorant mindset.

"Girls, don't complain about how you always end up with *******s. Every decent guy you are looking for is in the friendzone.": First of all, the friendzone doesn't exist. Secondly, no girl is obliged to go out with you just because you're friends.
"Guys have some respect: Girls are still humans." and then the post later went on to say "Girls, if you put up half naked pictures on Facebook, you will attract creeps (which is sadly true, but why on earth aren't we telling the creeps to back off instead of telling girls not to put up pictures like that, just utterly ridiculous)"... Basically contradicting itself.

I could have explained a lot more on why those comments are a load of crap, but I'd be going off topic. There were a few more comments made like this but it was a load of rubbish and this was all I can remember. It angered me so much, and I really wish I added him, commented on it explaining how ignorant he was to post this and how it was all rubbish, and then deleted him. The sad thing is was that SO many people liked it, including other girls! So if he thinks how "girls shouldn't post half naked pictures or they'll attract creeps", then why on earth is he sharing pictures of half-naked girls on his Facebook and making sexist comments all the time. Good grief. He's such a misogynistic whiny brat...

So yeah, that's basically just a massive example on why I dislike Facebook. :rolleyes:
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I'm against a lot of the feminist posts I see; since the posts aren't equality for men and women, it's for women to have more rights. Ido see the rare 'feminist' post but a lot of it is just bullcrap about how men are scum.
I do love Facebook for the fact people feel more confident online and they show their real colours. A girl hit and kicked me laughing about it (granted it didn't hurt, I am a foot taller and my layers of fat protected me) and then she complained that boy through a bottle at her and laughed, saying 'you should never hit a girl!!'
Ok that's true but you should never hit anyone. It's a bit hypocritical.
I also like the arguments and how self-absorbed people are. I swear I see like 100s of posts about people being depressed and bullied when in reality they've just been called fat or whatever. People self-diagnose to much and I swear some **** I see annoys me. "I feel nervous getting money out to pay at the shops, I have social anxiety!!!"
one of my friends once tried to convince me you could become gay/lesbian. Another one tried to convince me you CHOSE to be that way.
I use facebook to shine for potential employers like everyone should. Write and post smartly and hopefully they hire ya. :p
Facebook is great for me, since I can easily plan things out with my friends and family. I try to stay away from reading statuses, since a lot of them are people attention seeking usually for me. It's not a place that I like to post on really, since I don't want everyone to know about every second of my life through the internet, if possible.

I think that, yes Facebook has a lot of dumb stuff but, I do enjoy looking through posts every now and then and talking to people. It's just an easier way for me to communicate with people quickly without much hassle.
I tend to ignore posts from people who are constantly sharing their views and opinions through Facebook publicly, especially if they usually involve something to discriminate against people.

One more thing: Annoying farmville requests. That's all I have to say.