Unpopular Opinion Thread!

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I've pretty much agreed with all these unpopular opinions. All though I cannot stand Kanye West.

I don't even bother going to see new Disney movies anymore because they all look horrific and stupid. (Ex: Frozen, How to Train Your Dragon, etc)

Disagree. But only because Big Hero 6 and How to Train Your Dragon are pretty rad
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I'm not excited for the new Animal Crossing game. At least not right now. Though it'll be a few years until we get it so who knows... maybe I'll be excited for it then?
I think ya mean

Yeah. Exactly. Not just with Japanese culture though! I see it happening more often with Korea now, even met a few white people that wanted surgery to look Korean. Oh! And I know two people that speak with fake English accents because they're obsessed with England.
My unpopular opinions:

I am very conservative
I don't like Gravity Falls
I like inFAMOUS video games (1&2)

There's more, but that's all I can think of for now.
I've got some.

I'm 22-years-old and I enjoy "grandma" games like hidden object games and point and click adventure games.
I actually like EA as a company.

I will never understand why so many romantic comedies or dramas are even A Thing, much less that they're popular.
I prefer many of the newer Disney movies to the older ones that I grew up with.

I hate cake.
I hate ice cream.
I think Quentin Tarantino is a really bad director.
I hate most of today's music with a veerry few exceptions (like Ayu and few Swedish bands)
I dislike romantic comedies.. and obvious stupid action films.
I have no problems watching pron or playing it, I prefer it to horror and action/violence
I prefer Sony and the PS console before Childtendo
M*A*S*H is the best TV series ever.. a lot of people I met pretty much only like it just cause with a few exceptions
I don't like using make-up
I prefer unshaved areas
Also while it may apply to Unpopular games mainly, Planetside 2 and those "free" games on Steam sucks
Lmao I love some of these; I'm so guilty of loving Jar Jar and 'grandma games', as well as gritting my teeth at (and immediately unfollowing) 'those types' of people on Tumblr.

I think the following things are overrated: Frozen, Harry Potter (it is good, but overrated), Twilight, Dr Who, Assassin's Creed, MLP (sorry bronies).. idk, I'm sure there are plenty.
I think Taylor Swift is an arse.
I'm sick of seeing Leonardo Dicaprio in films all the time, it's getting to the point where I won't watch stuff he's in because I can't believe his character anymore. I just see him.
Berries taste disgusting, I only eat them to feel 'healthy'.

Gonna share one of my partners', it's a doozy:
He hates Johnny Depp. Oooooo!
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Okay so... I know this is an unpopular opinion thread and all, but I am really curious to know as to WHY people hate or like all of these different things... :confused:

Anyway, Rosalina is my least favourite princess out of the Mario trio. I mean, she's just replacing Daisy who was actually pretty cool and had more of a personality than Rosalina. Nintendo are only really trying to force her in because the fans love her, but in all honesty, she's pretty useless and boring, I think. I mean, what was the point of her being an unlockable character in 3D World? She played no vital role in the plot whatsoever throughout the entire game, so... ?

I also think Frozen is pretty overrated too, for obvious reasons. There are definitely better Disney films out there. ^^
Well, for me those things bugs me, are pet peeves or I just hate them in general because they are bad, simple as that.
The things I find overrated aren't necessarily things I hate, more like things I've tried and was kind of disappointed by. Like yeah, it's alright, but not something I'd bother to write home about.!

As for berries.. I just can't stand sour tasting things! I have to shovel them in with mouthfuls of sugar if I do eat them. :B

I agree about the confusing fuss over Rosalina. I don't despise her, but she isn't really as interesting or fun as Daisy.
I prefer Rosalina.. at least for the Mario kart games since she drives better than Daisy, and I like her design better but yeah each to their own

I like some berries far from all though
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I find women with short to medium length hair to be the most attractive!

Also, I REALLY prefer feminine-looking guys over the typical "manly man" type, despite most girls I know being really into the "strong, rugged, manly man" type.

Bonus points if he's into crossdressing.
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