Unpopular Opinion Thread!

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I prefer.. well hippie types. Or people who are a bit different than this short haired back-slick hairstyle/ugly short in general
I think Quentin Tarantino is a really bad director.
I hate most of today's music with a veerry few exceptions (like Ayu and few Swedish bands)
I dislike romantic comedies.. and obvious stupid action films.
I don't like using make-up

Also, I REALLY prefer feminine-looking guys over the typical "manly man" type, despite most girls I know being really into the "strong, rugged, manly man" type.

^ In full agreement.

Also, someone mentioned Johnny Depp, and I hate him as well. Hate Brad Pitt and George Clooney, too. Clooney's not a bad actor, I just don't find him attractive or particularly like.. anything else about him. Won't go out of my way to see him.
Though I do still like DiCaprio -- probably because I don't watch many movies to begin with.

I've never really liked make-up. I like how I look without it. My skin is clear; my eyes are big, round, and bright; my eyelashes are fine, whatever.
I have a very minimal look for weddings and the like -- black eyeliner across the top and a dusting of brown eyeshadow. Just because it's apparently "disrespectful" not to wear it for special occasions?

And I will always prefer a feminine-looking guy. Big muscles and facial hair are huge turn-offs. Boyfriend is a little toned, to be expected with his job, and that I don't mind. :) But he seriously needs to shave his face more often. I don't think I could find him "unattractive" at this point, we've been together too long, lol. But it's always so prickly. :c
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I like guys with beards, I hate this mentality that you need to be shaved everywhere.

Yeah I don't get people who finds Clooney attractive like he cares too much for his looks anyways
I'm not upset that the Lego movie didn't get nominated for the Oscar. It's a good movie and I enjoyed watching it, but it's hardly the best thing out there.
I hate these Kpop/jpop boy bands.. they are more show than music really and whatever dance pop they produce is horrible, same with most girl bands or artist in the style.

Yeah flame me. I prefer people who can make good performances and/or writing good lyrics without having to backflip their way through a show.
I think selfies are stupid. I'm sad the term and trend won't die.
I find it really really weird and I dislike it when people fetishize/sexualize Animal Crossing and/or Pokemon characters. I just do not and cannot understand how people do this omfg
I'm not a fan of men with six packs. I prefer a softer stomach but big arms. I like when guys weigh 180+ lbs. It's a severe turn off if a man is skinny.
I don't think selfies are narcissistic and I don't care if the trend dies out or not. Other people's selfies don't really impact me in any way. :cool:

This might not be an unpopular opinion here, but on Tumblr everyone gets in a uproar about cis/heteronormativity. I think it's definitely important that we get more (and I mean a LOT more) representation of other gender identities and sexualities (being bisexual myself), but honestly I see nothing wrong with assuming that someone is a cis, straight person--and that's simply because a huge majority of people on the earth are.

So yes, if you look like a girl, I'm going to assume you use she/her pronouns and that you're straight unless you inform me otherwise. Then I will refer to you by your preferred pronouns. But I'm not going to walk on eggshells around everyone in an attempt to "be politically correct."

Also, people who want me to use "xe/ze/zir" pronouns can **** right off. "They/them" functions just as well and that's what I'm going to refer to you as. Get over it.
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I love kpop but when jessica left SNSD imma kinda like ://///
but then crazy by 4 minute happened B)
also selfies are amazing im sorry that ppl dont like it.
I hate how the only animes people watch at my school are sword art online and attack on titan. (They are good animes but they dont take the time to watch others)
I don't watch movies or TV (aside from HGTV), so I don't care about celebrities.
I hate cell phones. I own a basic one, but the only time I turn it on is if my car breaks down.
I don't download music; I listen to the radio and buy CDs.
I will only read actual books.
Parties are boring and overrated...
Yes, so much.

Also I hate social media and how accepted it has become to use it for classes and ****

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I think selfies are stupid. I'm sad the term and trend won't die.

Me too, like what's the point aside from attention

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lmfao. i don't miss being a teenager AT ALL.
Me neither..
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