Trying to breed pink tulips...


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2014
Pear (Fruit)
I recently unlocked a really cool tulip flower crown and I'm missing some pink tulips.
I'm trying to breed them with white and red but it's been many days and nothing... Not sure if I'm doing anything wrong.
I'm not really an expert on breeding flowers by any means but was able to breed a few hybrids successfully.
Are the red and whites from bags? I've heard that might be a factor in hybrids. Not an expert expert but I'm pretty sure if they produce a flower that's not a hybrid you should replace the color flower you were breeding from. (that make any sense?)
With pink tulips I don’t think u will have a problem with the flowers from the bag. I didn’t have a problem anyway. (But for some other flowers that is the case. Blue roses is the best example) what works the best lately is having people from other towns come and water ur flowers. U can have up to 5 people do it a day and ur chances of having ur flower patch breed more flowers increases greatly. I’ve used this method and it works well

I was having issues with hybrids too but tested this out and asked my friends to come and water my flowers - the next day I had about 7 or 8 hybrids! Definitely worth a shot :)