Train Station grind - 60/100 - Earn yourself Traveller badges


May 18, 2015
100% (4) +
What you want:


What I want:


I'd like to boost to 100 town visits in order to unlock the train station remodel. If you are working towards the Traveller badges, we are a perfect match! Please, contact me and I will leave my 3DS running for you to hop in and out of to your heart's content.

Friend code:
  • 2165-8446-5324
Contact preferences:
  • Add me on Steam: Rushmik (preferred)
  • PM me here on the forum
  • Reply to this thread

I am home and can let my 3DS idle for most of the (Australian) day, so please contact me and we'll see if our availabilities match up.

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Seems to be just for looks, as far as I know. Perhaps someone who has it already can say.
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just for nice looks:cool:

- - - Post Merge - - -

I actually need the gold traveller badge and gold host badge

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i could visit?
I have added each of you but it looks like we've missed each other.

If anyone else is now reading this, I'm available to idle with my gates open so long as the dot next to my username is green! (
I'd love to come visit. I'll add your fc and mines in the sidebar.
Hope we'll be available at the same time.
I've been away the last few days but am back once more. I've added everyone on this thread so far, but am still looking for more! If you see me online (
) then shoot me a PM.
This sounds quite interesting feel free to add me, I will add you too! :D

Have done, but it seems you have not added me.

I'm online again, if anyone else is keen. It seems the only time I get a response is when I'm asleep or at work. :')
There's an error when I try to go to your town. Could you close and re open your gates?