Those Stupid Days...


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2015
Pear (Fruit)
Anyone else get those days when everything keeps going wrong or weird that it feels like you're on TV in a prank show? (or like you are on the Truman Show if you've ever seen that film) I just say this because I've spent the majority of the day trapped in the bathroom because the bolt got stuck, and I was the only one in the house. After a few hours, someone came in and the door frame had to be ripped off and the bolt broken in two (which took forever!) :(

It honestly feels like someone set that up on purpose, since that is the last thing I was expecting to happen today! Any strange events ever happened to you lot like this?

EDIT: Thought I might as well add this in, I'm not nuts! (I'm just a bit of a wimp sometimes...)
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honestly youre just being paranoid. it sounds pretty odd but i think were all bound to have moments like this in our lives. you just got unlucky. sorry you had to endure that though it sounds like you had quite the bad day
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Thank you, I know I over panic sometimes, but I can't help it. I just wanted a bit of reassurance c:
Ah that sucks, sorry to hear that happened. :/

And I do understand those days sometimes. Like my bedroom door has been stuck and wouldn't open before.
I once got stuck in my room because I slammed my door so hard because I was mad at my mom, and once I cooled down I was trapped in my room. >.< It was really terrible and I was stuck for like a few hours and they had to take off the hinges and remove the door because the locking mech got stuck on the knob.
I once got stuck in my room because I slammed my door so hard because I was mad at my mom, and once I cooled down I was trapped in my room. >.< It was really terrible and I was stuck for like a few hours and they had to take off the hinges and remove the door because the locking mech got stuck on the knob.

Better the door than your mom I would say.