Third page of my wishlist thread unviewable?


Rules the School
Feb 6, 2017
Right around the time the site went down the other day, the third page of my wishlist thread started resulting in a 404 equivalent with the url extension /install. If I make a new post in the thread, I can access the third page via the specific post's url, but otherwise it's like Schrodinger's webpage. Any idea what's going on or how to fix it?
If you're referring to this thread, I'm able to access and view the 3rd page with no issues, so this may be a browser issue. Try viewing the thread from another source or browser and see if that helps.
Can go there in IE, but Chrome absolutely refuses to load it and defers to the 404. Tried crtl + F5 and it did nothing.
That is how I'm getting there. Needless to say, no. I'm clicking on the button for page 3 at the bottom of the page on the thread's first page most of the time.

EDIT: The 'Last Page' button yields the same result as well, by the way.
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Thought I'd post in here real quick to say that, for some reason, the problem seems to be resolved. No idea what that was all about.