The Person Below Me...

Only if there’s nothing else available. I usually write only with pens.

The person below me considers themselves to be a good mathematician.
I don't, however, it was my best subject in school.

The person below me doesn't drink as much water as they should.
Yeah, multiple. I went to Washington DC last year for a field trip and saw a lot of them.

The person below me is hungry right now.
Sometimes, but not as a nervous habit, mostly to try in vain to remove hangnails.

The person bellow be has a food allergy
Nope. Pretty sure I was comfirmed not to have any.

The person below me enjoys seafood
It’s not my main thing, though I do like grilled shrimp.

The person below me forgot to do something important today.
No. I did everything I was supposed to do.

The person below me follows/watches at least one sport!
I do, I love hockey 🏒

The person below me knows more than one language
Once! I didn't have a screen protector on the one that broke, so on my current phone I made sure to put one on straightaway.

The person below me owns/used to own an aquarium!
I do, but it's dismantled. Someday I hope to have the room, but it just wasn't a good spot where it was originally. If I can get my basement fixed up, I'd like to do a saltwater tank down there. Or maybe fresh water as they are hardier.

Same question?
Yeah, I do. Like with Blue's, it's also dismantled in my basement. My dad occasionally toys with the idea of setting it up again, but I keep shooting it down as he wants it on my side of the house. We're already limited on space in our mess of a place as it is.

The person below me wakes up before 7AM daily for work.
No, but I have to wake up that early for school.

The person below me likes Pokémon.
Me! Me! Me!

Speaking of Pokémon, the person below me has caught a shiny Pokémon at least once!
Once? Yeah definitely lmao

The person below me has caught a shiny legendary before (legit)
No. I’ve never even caught a shiny before, let alone a shiny legendary.

The person below me is lying down while reading this.