The Internet's Worst Advice Column

Go steal the water from a hot spring.

I need to get rid of some material possessions. What do I do?
Commit a crime so you can testify in a courtroom - then practice your acting skills and lie under oath and persuade the jury and judge that you didn't do it. If you can do that, you'll be a kickass actor in no time.

How do I ride a motorcycle?
You get on it and walk yourself Flintstones-style super quick!

it’s really cold but damp out here. Any quick and easy ways to warm up?
No xara, you should make the bed come to you!

I want to buy a yacht, where can I find one?
Do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around, 'cause that's what it's all about

How do I keep my plants from dying?
Hack into the school system so you can adjust your report card grades.

How do I visit other planets in our solar system?
Just type like a cat or wear gloves that have human hands on them.
How do I play piano?
Jump and dance on the piano keys to a Michael Jackson song without paying attention to what keys you’re actually hitting.

How do I make remixes?
Dump it into a washing machine. Use bleach as well!

I ran out of vitamin pills. What can I do to make sure I still have an adequate intake?
Just don't work out your muscles and avoid your jock villagers at all costs!

How can I make honey?