TBT's Second Egg Decorating Contest

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Lil miss sheep just wanted to be a bunny for one day :3
okay, not going to lie, i'm only in this for the participation eggs, but i actually kind of had fun doing it? ofc there's only so much i can do at 11PM, but i think it came out really cute, and i boiled an egg for the first time in my life lmao.

@Vrisnem EDT is the same as EST, correct? sorry im not good with time zones and i just want to make sure i finish on time

Take flight and enjoy the all the eggcellent views this hot-air balloon has to offer!


Egg can be removed from base an be displayed separately from the basket.
All colors were applied with markers (I don't recommend) except for the gold paint on the egg, the white glitter, and purple floss. Dying fabric with makers wasn't so bad though. I clearly picked the wrong clay because it kept breaking on me, but it was the only one I could find in stock :( This was the first time I attempted to shape wood and I'm really happy with my results. Happy Easter everyone, and thank you for the fun event!
WOW. Okay, so this isn’t that impressive compared to a lot of the submissions here, but hopefully someone gets a kick out of my tie-dye egg (hard-boiled if anyone’s curious)! I had a paper towel that was colored with all of the different dyes I was working with, so I decided to experiment by wrapping an un-dyed egg in it, and... it worked!
View attachment 366237

Take flight and enjoy the all the eggcellent views this hot-air balloon has to offer!

View attachment 366240
Egg can be removed from base an be displayed separately from the basket.
All colors were applied with markers (I don't recommend) except for the gold paint on the egg, the white glitter, and purple floss. Dying fabric with makers wasn't so bad though. I clearly picked the wrong clay because it kept breaking on me, but it was the only one I could find in stock :( This was the first time I attempted to shape wood and I'm really happy with my results. Happy Easter everyone, and thank you for the fun event!
this is absolutely gorgeous!! (´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
Wasn't sure I'd get it in on time, but here it is!


and a close-up

It's Maya from the Borderlands series =w=
the series has these purple crystals called Eridium, so I surrounded it with my amethysts and citrine lol
The birth of Flick....he started catching bugs before he fully hatched.

cropped submission 2.jpg

Materials used:

Snake (Sculpey Premo Polymer Clay in black, white, and silver)

Snake Eggs (Sculpey Premo Polymer Clay in white)

Flick (Sculpey Premo Polymer Clay in cadmium red, cadmium yellow, alizarin crimson, black, Fimo Soft Clay in pacific blue and chocolate)

Net (Sculpey Premo Polymer Clay in black, wire, and netting fabric)

Egg (foam egg, black acrylic paint, thumbtacks, Sally Hansen Extreme Wear nail polish in Golden-I, Sally Hansen Mega Strength nail polish in Wild Card, Revlon nail polish in Chameleon, Jacquard Pearl Ex mica powder in Aztec Gold, and wooden skewers, and pearl ex varnish)

Beetle (Sculpey Premo Polymer Clay in white, aluminum foil, wire, and Jacquard Pearl Ex mica powder in Aztec Gold)

Sand (whole wheat flour and oil)

Air plants

Name Card in Unknown Pokemon lettering (Sculpey Premo Polymer Clay in black and white, Jacquard Pearl Ex mica powder in Aztec Gold)


IMG_3449 reized.JPG

cropped spoiler 2.jpg
i literally apologize for this mess. i tried my best this past week and ended up having to restart it multiple times until i ran out of supplies and had to work with what i had. the paint was going everywhere and this is not at all how i imagined it in my head, kinda upset but atleast i can get the participation points 😅

the egg is in her head (proof in spoiler) and the “egg holder” is basically her body and tbh the stuff under her and on the paper as she would literally fall flat on her face if not for those holding her up 😂

the balloon was supposed to be attached to her so it would be part of her design but unfortunately it wouldn’t stay up so i had to move it to the side, yeah, overall, this isn’t looking good but honestly im sick of trying to fix it so here it is!

note to vris i didnt edit it, sorry for the white barrier around the picture, it said the file was too big and i was completely stressing out so i searched up how to make photos smaller and it said i had to download an app to resize it, hope that’s okay!




also here’s proof it’s an egg, sorry katie!
Here’s my entry. I used a free range large brown egg :). I have this little ice cream displayed on a bed of origami strawberries in a coupe.
Hi there! I'm afraid your entry is missing a name card. If you could please resubmit with a name card I will be able to accept it. If this thread is locked by the time you see this response please send me your updated image directly. Thank you! 🐰
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