Mafia TBT Mini Mafia III: A Terrible Fate [Game Over/Town Win]

If you played Majora's Mask, there's a bad/alternate ending. Since it's super easy to get, I might as well say it. If you play for too long / let three days pass by in-game, the moon will crash down. Hence, we need to find all scum in five days.

The Mask Salesman also laughs and says "You've met with A Terrible Fate haven't you?"

I'm buying the avatar animation. I need this.

lol someone die quickly I wanna play <3

The replacement list is only used in the case of Wisdom of the Crowds and modkills
Due to a mistake I made with some of the roles, it will take another hour for the game to start! Terribly sorry. Most roles have been sent out. If you have not received your role, then please send me a PM immediately. I will also be sending out PMs to those who might have been affected my by mistake.
Great. Is this the same mistake that Gandalf made?

Well considering how I don't have linked players, no it is not. In addition, I would strongly suggest that any people who were affected by this do not mention what happened.
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On the Voting Thread, you said that, with 14 players, it takes eight to lynch.
Should not it be seven?
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I don't think I'll be online while mafia is going on, but I'll try to be online tomorrow. [If thats okay.]
On the Voting Thread, you said that, with 14 players, it takes eight to lynch.
Should not it be seven?

That was in the "For example" part. Once the day starts, there will be a second post that says how many votes are needed for lynch
Dawn of the First Day


Preparations for the Carnival of Time were going forward full-speed. Oath2Order was half-heartedly listening to Mutoh, the head of the carpenters in charge of building the displays in front of the Clock Tower. Far too much was on his mind. His son, Kafei, had gone missing, and his wife had locked herself in their room, only allowing the bands auditioning to play at the festival to come in. His own guardsmen were complaining about working overtime, and on top of all that, he had an urgent meeting with one of his advisers today.

"Enough!" Oath2Order shouted. "Leave my office. I will assign some guardsmen to assist with the stall building."

Mutoh grunted, turned around, and left the room, slamming the door on his way out. Oath2Order sighed and sat back in his chair, rubbing his temples. The Carnival of Time was meant to be a time of celebration for the town. Everyone looked forward to the seafood delicacies brought from the Zoras, the crafts from the Dekus, and the annual theatrical performance from the Gorons to honor the Four Giants.

Oath2Order took the key off the chain around his neck, and unlocked the bottom right drawer of his desk. Inside was a small, unassuming folder. He opened it up and took out the dagger in the inside pocket. He rolled it over in his hands a few times, practicing a few stabbing motions before hiding in an inside pocket of his jacket. He opened the door to his office, and looked out.

"Could you send in-" Oath2Order started, before noticing his receptionist's green hair. "What in the name of the Four Giants have you done to your hair?"

"You like it?" Trundle laughed, striking a pose. "I had one of the Deku's dye it. I thought it'd be festive!"

Oath2Order rolled his eyes. "Just send in Hikari."

He went back to his desk, and sat down. There was a knock, and the door opened. Hikari stepped in.

"You wanted to see me, Mayor?" Hikari asked.

"Yes, yes. Hikari, tell me, what have you uncovered?" Oath2order prompted.

He noticed a nervous glance cross Hikari's face. "Nothing, nothing at all! Nothing new, I mean. All I know, you know." He stammered.

Oath2order got up. "Interesting." he said, crossing the room. "Since I have received some particularly vital information regarding this cultic activity going around town." He locked his door.

"You have?" Hikari asked excitedly. "What is it?"

Oath2order glared at Hikari as he turned around. "You. Of all the people, one of my closest advisers!" He shouted. "I should have known. All you've done was repeat and give back the information I already knew! Day after day, you've just recapped what we went over the previous day! I should have known it was you!" He shoved Hikari back against his desk, pulling out his dagger to his throat. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't slit your traitorous throat and leave you to bleed out."

Hikari scoffed and kicked Oath2order backwards, knocking him onto the floor. "You're accusing me of being part of that cult? You? As if you would even know what they're doing. All you do is yell at your receptionist as soon she gets in, and hide away in your office from everybody! How dare you accuse me of being a cultist?" He kicked Oath2order in his stomach. "Useless! Incompetent! Mayor!" He shouted with each kick.

Oath2order groaned, trying to roll over with each kick. Finally, he managed to get up, both men in the room breathing heavily. He laughed hoarsely, balancing himself on a side table. "Hikari, it's kind of funny. You think that you've a cultist, but you forgot one thing."

Hikari scowled. "And what, dear Mayor-" He was cut off with a gasp, as Oath2order threw the dagger straight into his heart. Green blood started to pour of the wound, as Hikari fell forward, dead.

He stared at the corpse in the room. Oath2order was so positive that his adviser was a hidden cult member, trying to get information. His train of thought was interrupted by a scream from outside his office.

He limped to the door, shoving it open. Trundle, his cheerful receptionist, was pinned to the wall by no less than a dozen arrows, green blood splattering the wall behind him.

Oath2order ran back into his office, flipping over Hikari's body, and yanked the dagger out. He turned to leave his office. The last thing the Mayor heard was the shattering of glass. He looked down, and saw the blue arrow sticking through his chest. The blood from his wounds instantly froze into a dark blue.

"Oh," was all he could say, before falling forward out of his office.

Hikari the Advisor can no longer help you.

Trundle the Receptionist will take no more calls.

Oath2order the Mayor is now a snowman.

You have 28 hours (until 5AM GMT / 12AM EST Thursday) to lynch a cultist. Votes will be made in the The Voting Thread.
Mayor's Note: Note that after the WotC and Trundle dropping out, all roles were re-rolled.