• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Mafia TBT Mafia XV: The Siren's Call (Game Over/Mafia & Third Party Win!)

I actually claimed long before but you apparently weren't paying attention.

I was paying attention, but clearly it slipped past my brain with everything that has happened in this thread. I looked back through your posts and this was all I could find?

I just wanted to say that my name is Benjamin so the role names are obviously all people from the IRC.

I don't see how claiming a name automatically makes you not scummy. You were softclaiming townie by saying you're not a monkey in another post. We have brought up the possibility of scum safe claims for practically the whole thread now or were you not paying attention? I need time to look into your posting because I DO remember you trying harder and posting less one-liners. I told you I would leave it alone until I get home from work today and I meant that.

Not long now, hopefully people not voting get on or there's going to be a modkill massacre :/
I was paying attention, but clearly it slipped past my brain with everything that has happened in this thread. I looked back through your posts and this was all I could find?

I don't see how claiming a name automatically makes you not scummy. You were softclaiming townie by saying you're not a monkey in another post. We have brought up the possibility of scum safe claims for practically the whole thread now or were you not paying attention? I need time to look into your posting because I DO remember you trying harder and posting less one-liners. I told you I would leave it alone until I get home from work today and I meant that.

Not long now, hopefully people not voting get on or there's going to be a modkill massacre :/

Yes, I know that the safe claim thing has been brought up and I talked to Dad about it.
I am most suspicious of C r y s t a l and Karen right now. Both seem desperate with their posts.

For example, Karen made a long post about accusing town for messing up and not being smart about lynches, etc. However, she did not contribute anything to the game herself and ironically that very post she made was useless and was basically just a summary of what happened in the game so far.

C r y s t a l seemed overly paranoid about the third party thief roles and tried claiming thAT they might be mafia. Although that's possible, it just doesn't seem likely given the circumstances that they were claimed. And I don't see why anyone would think that so soon.
So I voted cariad. I was gone most of the day so I just voted the person with the most votes

You still have just a few minutes to read into this a little and honestly shouldn't do that. Read into things and make up your own mind. I can tell you're trying to learn the game so I feel like you should know better than just bandwagoning like that.
You still have just a few minutes to read into this a little and honestly shouldn't do that. Read into things and make up your own mind. I can tell you're trying to learn the game so I feel like you should know better than just bandwagoning like that.
I did. That's why I'm voting cariad.
The way you worded it made it sound like you were just blindly jumping on the bandwagon with the highest vote count, so that's why I criticize it.
I guess we'll see about this Thief stuff then, was gonna suggest a plan to deal with that after the night post
Hello People. I really do suck at defending myself but I play to improve. I suggest Sat Dolby Cariad and Ashtot to be watched. Wtf does a candlemaker do. What is with this Kallie thing. Is Ashtot really a quatermaster. be sus in the end if a lot of really strong players are alive. I hope these blue work their magic. I also think alise is maf rber based on the question she asked. lol I suck.
There is 2 possible ways for me to end up after night:

1. Get killed
2. I don't get killed and everyone wonders why I didn't get killed because I'm a blue role and the scum team kills someone else and watch me get lynched D3
For example, Karen made a long post about accusing town for messing up and not being smart about lynches, etc. However, she did not contribute anything to the game herself and ironically that very post she made was useless and was basically just a summary of what happened in the game so far.

I have contributed but apparently my posts have been skipped over a bit.


It's not as much as I used to but yes, I guess I am a bit of a hypocrite.
There is 2 possible ways for me to end up after night:

1. Get killed
2. I don't get killed and everyone wonders why I didn't get killed because I'm a blue role and the scum team kills someone else and watch me get lynched D3
Their are prolly some docs.

There was a meeting that evening in the mess room. Half the crew have buckets poised on their laps, and Kidd struggles to keep his attention on the Captain as he speaks. He’s giving a lecture on greed: something that no pirate wants to hear. No matter what anyone says, when it comes to a life or death situation it’s in a pirate’s blood to look out for only one person: himself.

“In other news,” the Captain says, “have there been any reports on the whereabouts of Josh or Andrew?”

“I saw Andrew around midnight last night,” Kidd says.

Another shrugs. “Who is Josh again?”

“He’s my brother,” someone says, “why?”

The room turns to look at the cabin boy, James, stood in the doorframe. He’s pale and shaking, his skin a sickly green hue, barely able to stand on his own. He grips the doorframe with one hand and a bucket hangs from the other. He’d been one of the worse victims of the mystery illness ailing the crew.

Kidd bites his tongue and looks at the Captain.

“He’s been missing since yesterday,” the Captain says, “how could you not know that your own brother was missing?”

James waves his bucket for emphasis. “I’ve been kind of, uh, preoccupied.”

He proceeds to vomit over the floor, before collapsing in front of the crew. Kidd gets to his feet and dashes over to him, checking his vitals. The Captain and another crew member follow.

“He’s not breathing,” Kidd says.

“Get him to the infirmary,” the Captain says.

Despite their efforts, James will not survive the night.

C r y s t a l aka. James the Cabin Boy joins his brother in death.

You're little more than a servant, but you’re thankful to William Kidd for not making you walk the plank when he discovered that you and your brother snuck on board The Bellarbor.

You have no special abilities. Your voice and your vote are you strongest weapons. With nothing to hide, you should be leading this search.

Win Condition: Successfully eliminate all of the anti-town killing roles.

You have 24 hours to PM your night actions.

Night 2 will end 11pm BST (6pm EDT) on Monday 1st September.

Modkills will not be enforced because I made a mistake with the timer.
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Alright. It's Night 2, and I don't want to take any chances with this thief thing. Near the end of the night, I want a vigilante to shoot the Thief who has been least helpful to us (Cory, Natty or Trundle). This will hopefully have the added benefit of giving these three incentive to be more vocal and help us.

Comments welcome.
At least this gives us something to look into regarding who was very against Crystal, even though it wasn't the best choice (still better than Cariad imo).