Buying streetpass, dlcs and black roses

AH yes derp! Sorry! ahhh only pumpkin pie and good-luck roll are on the list for 55 TBT and 30 TBT respectively so I'll value the other three somewhere a bit in the middle, leaning on the more expensive side? 45 each?

pumpkin pie 55 TBT
tea set 45 TBT
veggie basket 45 TBT
good-luck roll 30 TBT
dango 45 TBT
and 3 sushi rolls 30 TBT total?
for 250 TBT yeah?
oh and did you have some icecream?

deadjo like I mentioend earlier just trading with princess and sel first
I'd like choco, lemon, mocha and mint please! u wu 5 tbt each?
Okay, sure. :] I just looked and I think I sold my pumpkin pie already so it'll be 215, with the ice creams included. :)

Just ordering the sushi platters and I'll be ready to go - my town or yours?
My town is good ! :eek:D the ground is a bit crowded, so just drop everything wherever there is room! Adding now
thanks for the trade! c:

I dunno where you vanished to princess, but I'm gonna brb on an errand real fast!

deadjo, if princess has fallen asleep or something and still hasn't replied by the time i get back and you still want me to come see what you have, we can go ahead and do that then!

thanks everyone brb!
Alright. Hopefully I won't fall asleep till then.. I also have black roses if you want to buy some.
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Hey guys, sorry I vanished last night, the errand took a lot longer than expected and I ended up falling asleep when I got home X'D ; gonna update this now with what I'm still interested in!
do you still need any black roses c:?