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Splatoon Splatoon General Discussion (HYPE THREAD)

Each amiibo unlocks a set of extra missions and an outfit.

So if you only want the robot outfit you only need to get the green one, and vise versa for each of them.

I meant more of the other Amiibo's like Kirby, Yoshi or Sheik rather than the Splatoon specific ones.
Whoa the Female amiibo suit is awesome! I do not like the male one at all xD But i will totally try to get them all and will start with the Squid amiibo bundle and i am just sure of it that the amiibo of Splatoon won't be rare since there are only three (The Squid might be though.) so i do not worry about them and i am going to focus on my Palutena, Bowser Jr. and Dr. Mario amiibo instead!
Here comes moar details about Splatoon, which came from this month's EDGE issue. I've gotten a bit lazy this time around, so I copy-pasted the whole text and put in the quote box.

– Main article has quotes from Amano/Sakaguchi and Nogami and talks about Edge playing the same demo build of the game the media played a few weeks back.
– The prototype had basic block characters and the ink painting mechanic. You were invisible when you were in your own ink. Amano/Sakaguchi added in jumping, hiding in ink, and the ability to shoot up and down. After that, though, they were confused about what they wanted to do with the game. They thought they might put a squid character on the box art but they needed a humanoid character to hold the guns. They thought a “squid human” wouldn’t sell.
– Amano/Sakaguchi were scolded by Miyamoto in 2013 when doing the prototype who said “I don’t understand. What do you want to do? There’s no appeal to this game”.
– They had an epiphany on Jan 6, 2014 that they could have you switch between a squid and human form and they rapidly got a bunch of ideas about how you swim faster in your own ink, you slow down in enemy ink and take damage, you can swim up walls, etc.
– Amano is a fan of “shooting games”, but when he would invite friends to play with him they would get frustrated. He wants to make a game that is different that people who aren’t fans of traditional shooters can play.
– Splatoon has no voice chat and never will. Amano says: “This is coming from personal experience. When I played online games, I didn’t like the negativity I got and people telling me ‘You’re crap. Go away’. So we wanted to focus on the positive aspects of online gaming”. Amano says he’s not saying that chat in an online game can’t contribute to fun but they want to grab new players.
– Confirms that there are some Splat Zone maps with more than one boxed-off area to capture. If you claim all the territories your timer starts to count down, but if your opponent captures one the timer stops.
– The same primary weapon can come in a variation with the different sub/special weapon
– Can start firing after a super jump right before you land
– More online modes besides Turf War/Splat Zones
– One respawn point per team, but you’re invulnerable while on it to discourage campers.
– A lot of the designers on the team are in their 30s, so the 90s style with street fashion and trainers is a big inspiration for the outfits
– Trick to balancing the weapons according to Sakaguchi is to make people want a little more (“if only it could shoot a little farther/shoot faster”). They aren’t going out trying to make the strongest weapon in the game.
– 15 singleplayer challenges and “5 rare pieces of gear” for each of the 3 Amiibos
– Q&A with Katsuya Eguchi. Thinks Splatoon IP has huge potential. Important to have things that will draw attention to the game after release (basically hints at content updates/DLC).

Well, the developer's argument of excluding voice chat is so 2005! The very same argument has been used consistently during the past decade when Nintendo is completely new to proper online features. I'm pretty sure there were more reasons behind that questionable decision than that, such as GamePad's mic quality still being too crappy overall.

Also, the respawn point mechanic is interesting, given it addresses to one of the most recurrent issues that bogs the enjoyment while playing shooters. Being constantly killed next to your respawning point because of campers is annoying.

Source: http://nintendoeverything.com/new-splatoon-details-development-lack-of-voice-chat-explained-more/
Here comes moar details about Splatoon, which came from this month's EDGE issue. I've gotten a bit lazy this time around, so I copy-pasted the whole text and put in the quote box.

Well, the developer's argument of excluding voice chat is so 2005! The very same argument has been used consistently during the past decade when Nintendo is completely new to proper online features. I'm pretty sure there were more reasons behind that questionable decision than that, such as GamePad's mic quality still being too crappy overall.

Also, the respawn point mechanic is interesting, given it addresses to one of the most recurrent issues that bogs the enjoyment while playing shooters. Being constantly killed next to your respawning point because of campers is annoying.

Source: http://nintendoeverything.com/new-splatoon-details-development-lack-of-voice-chat-explained-more/

Hmm i think that it is better without voice chat, i would hate little kids screaming because they are losing the game or their mum begging them to come because dinner is ready. It would be better if it was in friend turf wars though because you choose to play with them and it could be handy to share information and call for help with voice chat.

They also can make those messages like they did in Luigi's Mansion 2, that would work too i guess. ''Help Help'' ''Over here!'' ''Good job!'' ''Heeeeey!''
Well, the developer's argument of excluding voice chat is so 2005! The very same argument has been used consistently during the past decade when Nintendo is completely new to proper online features. I'm pretty sure there were more reasons behind that questionable decision than that, such as GamePad's mic quality still being too crappy overall.

I don't think it's a bad reason really. Online with random players (which is what it will mostly be) generally is a pretty bad experience. It doesn't matter whether you're good or bad at the game, people find a reason to hurl abuse at you...Because people are just awful. For a game that is actually family friendly, I doubt they want that experience in the game. Other games have it but lets be honest, they know their games are for a certain audience and that audience isn't 'family friendly'.

I still don't understand why they couldn't allow chat with friends though. It's unlikely that the same 'bad experience' will happen among friends...Well, unless you add randomers to your friends list but really, that's your own problem if that happens.
They want me to play with friends and the game isn't local multiplayer. If I can't talk to them then I may as well be playing with randomers since communication is arguably the biggest part to playing with friends.

True, I can set up my laptop and have skype running but that really isn't the point. The fact that I can do that shouldn't be taken into consideration as that isn't something that everybody can actually do for one reason or another, as well as it being a bit of extra hassle for me since I don't tend to have my laptop turned on when I'm using my Wii U.

It is a small problem in an otherwise great looking game though that shouldn't be a problem in the first place. I'm still hyped for it though :3
I get games knowing there's something for me to do offline and it sounds like Turf War wont even be able to be played with 7 CPUs offline, that's kinda ridiculous. My internet is horrible so playing online isnt an option for me.
(Can't find any other Splatoon threads even though I know there's more.) New info released from Famitsu
-The interview is with producer Hisashi Nogami, who is known as the director of every Animal Crossing up to City Folk, and directors Yusuke Amano, who also directed NSMB2, and Tsubasa Sakaguchi, who was a character designer on Twilight Princess and art director on Nintendo Land.
-The Inkling city (where the plaza is) is known as 'Highcolor/Haikara City' in Japanese.
-The concept of two teams of four shooting ink in a turf battle has been there since the original prototype, even though the characters where tofu-like blocks at the time.
-They experimented with other team sizes, but found with more than four players felt like they had little effect on battles, and with less than four that they had too much responsibility.
-Killing/attacking opponents online to prevent them from painting ink is just one strategy to win. You get no points or advantage directly from doing so.
-Hero mode uses basically the same controls as online matches, so anyone with difficulty in the can use the hero mode to practice.
-Ideally, you'll be matched with players of a similar rank to you (based off of experience points earned in matches). If not enough players, they'll put you with people further away from your rank. If there's only 8 players, you'll be matched together.
-While online is focused on just painting the ground, hero mode focuses on using the ink to move forward.
-Amano says he wants you to be able to look at the map on the GamePad and see where needs to be worked on for your team.
-No way to directly communicate with people you've been randomly matched with. They will appear post-match in your Plaza, where you can check out their gear, weapons, and comment.
-They picked squids because they were the best at representing the gameplay present in the prototype.
-Music for stages is random. Possible that I'm misunderstanding, but each player will have a different song while playing.
-Music is designed to be the sort that would be popular with the young Inklings involved with the turf battles.
-Rather than making some huge number of stages, they want to create stages that feel different when you use different weapon combinations.
-You don't earn money for gear in single player for balance reasons. Someone could grind money in hero mode and have their first online match with high level gear.
-In the final stages of development now.
-Aiming for, more or less, a simultaneous worldwide release.
-They plan on supporting the title post-release.

So basically a practice mode and DLC, maybe amiibo confirmed. Yus!!!
Wow.. XD Just one question, whats hero mode? Im really hyped for this!!!
Tickets for the hype train, plz.
I need a ticket to the hype train too!


Don't forget your luggage!
I keep trying to make my friend get this lol

Because I don't have a Wii U, but I go to his house ALL the time and use it, so if he gets it then I get to play it C:
With that ticket you get to go to The Splatoon Factory, and meet Splatoony Splonka. You'll get to see his wonderful new Splatoons, and even his river, made entirely of Splatoon.
I imagine the amiibos for this game are going to be a pain in the butt to find lol

Well, both Inkling Boy and Girl should be relatively easy to find, be it via online ordering or getting one in stores. In some online stores, they're still waiting to be purchased!

As for the Inkling Squid amiibo, the only way that North Americans could get is purchasing the pack of 3 Splatoon amiibo. Even though they're difficult to find online as of now, they might become available around the time the game launches in stores. According to r/amiibo/, none of these amiibo are rarer than uncommon. Therefore, you shouldn't worry too much if you couldn't get those.