Special Character Discussion: Digby

Buster Bunny

Senior Member
Apr 4, 2016

Digby is Isabelle's twin brother and works in the Happy Home Show Case.

Personally I find a pity that he stands there all the time no matter the weather and most of time we don't even visit the Happy Home Showcase at all.
Yeah I do feel bad for him.. Digby doesn't have much of a role in ACNL cuz no one visits the HH showcase ;-;
oml Digby just stands there all day. Maybe he goes somewhere else when the player isn't in Main Street? :eek:
I personally like Digby. He seems so underrated, compared to the other characters.

He also has the best town tune instrument.
I like Digby a lot. I love him in HHD.
I find it quite sorrowful that he doesn't get his own little house that we know of or anything.
I don't know. When compared to Isabelle, he bores me. It doesn't help that his only job is to stand at the entrance of HH showcase and I hardly go there.
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