Selling [SOLD]

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Wait dude really? You made them go through your entire wishlist that took clearly a very long time and wait, just for you to accept an offer for only tbt? You could have just stated you only wanted tbt because the person you sold it to didn't even offer any wishlist items. It's not my place to be arguing as I wasn't even a part of it, but that's really not cool dude you just wasted their time.
I stated in my original post I was only really after tbt. I gave them my wish list because I was trying to be nice. My wants were clear from the beginning, I was mainly after tbt. I said I would consider their offer and I did. I didn't ask them to go through my whole wish list, while I apperiate their time I never asked that of them. And as far as the other person whose offer I accepted, I gave them a number and they matched it. While I see both of your perspectives, I tried to make it clear that even if they went through my wish list their offer would only be considered.
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