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Skye. Still. Won't. Move.

This is happening with me right now with Merry. And I need her out for a trade today. I've been TT'ing all day trying to get her out, I'm at nearly three weeks in-game. She won't even ping! She also just moved in, but Julian moved in right after so she isn't my last villager to move in. But since she's moved in she hasn't pinged once, not for requests or anything. It's getting really frustrating because I don't feel like sitting here TT'ing all day. >:l If you do find some way, please let me know as well, aha. :p
The only thing I can suggest is 'keep at it'.

Chops was one of the first villagers to move into my town (he moved in maybe mid-to-late June?), and he's only just asked to move out two days ago. I guess the random number generator just isn't working in your favour.
I probably mentioned this a couple times in other thread, but my normals + wolves tend to do this (and Skye is both!). They never want to leave I have exactly the same problem as you! I have tried befriending and getting them high enough up the ladder to want to move. Doesn't work. I've tried ignoring for weeks on end. Doesn't work!! I guess really, I have a 1/10 chance of her trying to leave and I keep missing that 10%. I don't know what it is. I'm sick of her though, I wish she'd just go.
The funny thing I just realized is, my Skye has never once asked to leave either. o-o Which is good because I don't want her to, but most of my other villagers have asked a few times, and she never does.

Why won't you leave Merry!? You're a peppy cat, damnit. Ugh, I need to take a break, this is incredibly frustrating. >:l I'm starting to doubt I'll be able to get her out today, and I moved her in from the campsite specifically from this trade so I don't even want her. ;c
I don't know if this is 100% accurate or just coincidence that it happened to me twice.. but I have had success getting out villagers I didn't want by sending them letters once a day with items that are from their 'disliked' style. I only had to do it about 3 times (3 separate days) before that villager asked to move out.

It couldn't hurt to try?
Hmm, seems like you've tried a lot...
I'm thinking you should just ignore her, even if she pings. I recommend not to talk to her ever. Today Mott told me Anabelle was thinking about moving (I didn't let her) so hopefully that'll happen and then you'll know when to talk to her? :confused:
I'm not really sure what the problem is. Luckily, (or unluckily, in a way) the other person is having trouble getting Chevre to move, so it's not like I'm holding up the trade.

I'll keep working at it, though!