Shingeki No Kyojin, Free! Iwatobi Swim Club & Dangan Ronpa

SnK is good--if you can stomach a little blood.

Free! is more... a lot of fan service and almost shonen ai I guess. I watch it because it's hilarious how Haru reacts to water.
never thought id see these two anime in the same thread.
but theres a first time for everything i suppose.
SnK is my favorite thing right now -- im caught up with the manga. i think its really brilliant.
havent seen free!
i kinda wonder how they'll tie up the anime for snk
do a season 2? follow the manga til the end? or make their own ending
i'm caught up with the manga but i'm probably like 2 episodes behind.
I think I'll begin the manga, since it seems more popular ^ ^
And I'm eager to know more about the story.
Ooh a season 2? *-*
Free is "cute boys doing cute things" as described by someone on Hummingbird.
Even with that ridiculous description and not even liking swimming that much, I still watch it.
SnK, I read the manga completely and now I lost interest in the anime for some reason. I am on episode 9, I think. I still get them as soon as they get subbed though. I'll get caught up sooner or later, but the summer season is loaded with good anime.
I need to read SNK's manga, because I really like the anime. Especially the openings, like, wow. I never thought I would have a use for german. And them bam, the opening line in the first opening.

Free! though. Oh my god. I love that show, I can't stop laughing about it.
I have been playing the attack on titan prototype game for about a month or two now and found this thread and thought you guys would like to try it out!

Thank you for sharing this!! Omg I keep killing Mikasa... I'm so sorry. I need training <333
*Plays the open theme songs while I play* YERRRR

If anyone else is playing this, how many have you killed? Me? NONE cuz controls and I suck. xD
Okay. That running school girl titan keeps killing me. It both frightening and hilarious. xD
im all caught up on snk currently
i seriously need to catch up on free!
i think ill give that game a try
I stayed up last night and I have now officially caught up to the SNK manga. :)
