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[Rumor] Official North American Animal Crossing Website being redesigned


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Nov 13, 2009
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Recently, the official North American website for Animal Crossing is in the process of redesign. Although their main page remains unchanged since years ago,placeholder categories are appearing. The About category currently leads to Error 404 page, while the rest is filled with lorem ipsum or some text coming from a novel.

Chances are, the fact they're prepping the site might be for the announcement of the upcoming Animal Crossing installment on Switch. Could it be unveiled at E3 2018 in 2 months?

Source : https://twitter.com/pixelpar/status/981448427920941057 (Thanks SpiritofAce from The Bell Tree Discord chat server for providing the link)
I hope so and I hope it isn't complete crap!!! I also hope they give me those sweet Yoshi game details there as well! My poor switch just collects dust now :(
I'll try not to put too much hope for something, but it'll be so great if something does happen. I wanna see AC for the Switch so bad
Well, if it is AC Switch, we won’t see what it looks like until the announcement at E3.
I’m not gettin my hopes up but I would like another main series AC game asap
I really hope it is, but I seriously hope they release it world wide at the same time this time. Last time the Japanese got it earlier and by the time the US got it all of our towns were seriously lack luster in comparison lol, plus waiting was so hard!
I've kinda gone off the idea.
Not being able to TT (apparently?) and needing internet as the Switch runs on internet time? Does that require a constant connection?

I can't afford that.
I will certainly get my hopes up! I would be very happy to hear announcement soon of an animal crossing game on switch. I don't mind if they won't allow time travel, but the game hasn't even been announced yet, so despite the way the switch works, I'm not entirely sure how people are already confirming this information.
I've kinda gone off the idea.
Not being able to TT (apparently?) and needing internet as the Switch runs on internet time? Does that require a constant connection?

I can't afford that.

Switch actually relies on your hardware's clock, since it doesn't expect you to be connecting online at all times. There is a feature that get your internal clock synced with Internet, which can be activated/deactivated.

More often than not, games on this platform won't require you to be connected to the Internet in order to play. Why would the upcoming Animal Crossing enforce something like that when the player isn't expected to be next to their wireless router?
I was just asking, as I don't like games with internet interaction, as I don't own a PC, and it costs a bit for data using my phone as a router.

That's all.
Well I'm about 99% sure that a main series Switch game will come out eventually so I wouldn't be that surprised. Of course, I'm not getting my hopes up until something is actually announced. I don't enjoy being constantly disappointed when stuff like this turns out to be nothing.
I am certain there will be an installment on Switch.

1. Nintendo filed a trademark for AC for Switch!
2. Why can we have AC icons on Switch profile but there isn't a game on Switch? So those who have never played AC but have a Switch wouldn't know who those characters are. To me that addiction doesn't make sense, therefore it proves AC will come to Switch.
3. I'm not sure if Nintendo will announce anything at E3 but clearly they have something in the making since January (when trademark was filed).
4. Why would they stop at Pocket Camp? They can clearly make a ton of money on also on Switch with an AC game and also with internet subscription.
4. Add your own reasons why you know AC for Switch will happen. So guys don't get your hopes up just yet! It's too early!

As for the Switch and internet subscription, I'm hoping the game can be played without needing internet, like online trade and all that. As I've never played an AC game with how it's supposed to be played theoretically (getting items without trading or hacking, etc), I'd love to play AC Switch game authentically. Also, I'm not dissapointed in PC, but I hope AC Switch will be geared towards the main franchise rather than another spin-off like HHD or AF. So if anything, I'll be worried about that.
Really hope that they announce Animal Crossing Switch. :) (even though I don't own a Switch yet...)
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Sounds interesting, yet I will not getting my hopes up right now. Of course it would be nice if
there will be some informations soon, but I don't want to get hyped for nothing at the end, so
I will wait for now and see what happen.
I am very keen for AC on the Switch but tbh I only got into New Leaf/the AC community a year ago so there is a lot of life still in that for me. I think as soon as AC Switch get released my much loved 3DS might find itself in retirement (which kinda makes me sad) so I am happy waiting for now.
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I really don't understand the sudden rise of fear regarding games needing a constant internet connection. This was and never has been an issue with consoles/handhelds (sans the Xbox One a short time prior to launch), so why is everyone suddenly expressing fear in needing a constant internet connection now of all times? Is it because of that awful mobile money pit? Do not compare that travesty to actual gaming, please. The mobile scene and what is going on in dedicated gaming machines is completely different. Rest assured, a constant internet connection will not be required for any game outside of MMOs and to optionally play with other players.

And yeah, I think they're gearing up for the big reveal. With Smash Bros. most likely launching in September alongside the NSO service, they're needing a big holiday game this year. Fire Emblem definitely won't be that, and Pokemon is still up in the air with no real solid indication that it's going to make it 2018.

The cherry on top of all this, however, is the fact that two months ago they updated the trademark for Animal Crossing. Why is this the cherry you ask? 4 months prior to the last Nintendo Direct, they filed for a new Smash Bros. trademark, and look what we got there. So what will be 4 months since the trademark was filed? E3 2018.

The last bit is of course a reach, but it's a fun reach.
I saw a youtube video about this today, and it's interesting! I really hope it's a main game and not another annoying spin-off. If they are redesigning it, why so early? E3 isn't until June, which sucks because I wanna know if there's gonna be a game or not. I don't want to get my hopes up though because I did that for pocket camp, and was so excited for 2 years when the rumors started and when it came out, it was kinda boring.
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I saw a youtube video about this today, and it's interesting! I really hope it's a main game and not another annoying spin-off. If they are redesigning it, why so early? E3 isn't until June, which sucks because I wanna know if there's gonna be a game or not. I don't want to get my hopes up though because I did that for pocket camp, and was so excited for 2 years when the rumors started and when it came out, it was kinda boring.

I only knew about PC until like a month or so before it's release lol.