Question About Jacobs Ladders


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2015
Red Cosmos
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
White Cosmos
Red Rose
White Rose
Okay,a few questions actually.
1. Is there a MAX amount of Jacobs Ladders you can have in a town?
2. I dont have a perfect town yet. If i Plant them will they die?
3. IF I plant the Jacobs Ladders while my town has a Beautiful Town ordinance will they die, even tho I dont have perfect town status?
1. It depends on the perfect town status, you can plant a lot, but sometimes they stop growing
2. keep watering them, and hopefully you should be fine!~
3. ^
you can have a near endless amount of jacob's ladders, though at a point you'd prob have to get from other people

and their survival isn't dependent on your town status, just their ability to grow natively in your town

and like any other flower with beautiful town up, they'll last as long as they aren't trampled on or crushed by houses or anything
If you have a lot of Jacob's Ladder in your town they can stop appearing.
My main town had too many and I still had perfect town status. To fix this I picked them up and stored them in my locker. A new one appeared the next day. Kept doing this until I had 100 stored.
A town that has 70 plus with perfect town had only got one in a year.

You need to water them with no beautiful ordinance.

Day after Beautiful town takes effect you don't need to water them. Those will stay forever. I lost perfect town status when I put things at the train station for visitors to take. Items were left for a month. Jacob's Ladders didn't get watered during the month and all were still there.
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1. Store some of your jacob's ladders away if you want more to spawn in town.

2. They won't die if you water them!

3. No, they wont die as long as your water them!