Pranks you've done to a friend's or relative's town


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
I just pranked my sister today by making her wall and floor into cory from cory in the house's face so I want to know what you've done to your friends on animal crossing.
I like using pitfalls on my friend and boyfriend. I'll use the normal or secret ones, usually behind a bush or covered area. Then ask them to come over "here!"

Then screenshot the surprise/anger.

I don't have much access to their game itself so I can't cause much destruction.
Just push em into carefully planted pitfalls. I like to do it to my friend IRL who plays but I wouldn't do it to a random member on I'm wifi-ing or trading with LOL
My daughter likes to go into my mayors house and change all the wallpaper and flooring with ugly patterns that she made. Then she displays them up all over the rooms like a painting. They're EVERYWHERE.
Once a friend left his gates open for me to shop around it he was away from the computer. I bumped him all the way from the train station, to the bottom of the map, behind a villagers house where you couldn't see him. I also dug holes around him so that it be hard for him to get out :D

It entertained me for a while.
Whenever I go to my sister's town I always tell her I've got her a wishlist present and wrap up a crane. Once I also told her we were playing hide and seek and left her town while she was on brb :p
When my couple still played the game, I'd visit his town and bury pitfall seeds to troll him, lol.
Dress my character as the opposite sex (in this case, usually a girl) then mimic how they talk or play.
i once went to my irl best friend's town, and spammed her post board thingy with crap. it was hilarious honestly