pokémon go friends needed!


cloud cruiser
Mar 31, 2019
Spring Sakura
White Cosmos
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
White Tulip
Spring Shamrock
hey everyone, i?ve been getting more into pok?mon go lately but i?d love some new friends to add!
i always send out gifts so feel free to drop your code below :)

friend code?s: 0243 7991 4348
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When I do get the chance to log-in and play, I make sure to spin the Pok?stops and get those sweet gifts to give out. :D

My code is 7661 9850 6545.
Awesome! :3 I'll send you a gift after I add you back.
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I have several friends that I've added locally but I've maxed friendship with most of them. I'll send you guys some requests. It would be great if you could send a gift almost everyday but it's totally fine if you can't. I know I never seem to have enough to send haha.

If anyone would like to add me that I haven't sent a request to feel free to pm me for my code.
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I would have to ask my mom or sister (we do it on my moms phone) because I don't know if they would mind if we suddenly got a random friend. :[ but maybe!