Place your random thoughts.

One of the seniors who does morning announcements has a similar last name to my little brother’s first name… so some of his classmates asked if she’s his sister. Think about that for a few seconds.
excited about getting a plushie of angel gabby from the angel hare tapes............even if it's so far off AUUGHH.
Why is everyone talking about the show cheers today? Ok, not everybody, but it’s weird that it happened twice…
I played and beaten Banjo-Tooie a couple times before even playing Banjo-Kazooie, and even I have to admit that the original was better than the sequel, including how Grunty got defeated in the first game vs in the second game.
When I was looking at the meanings of the yin and yang, and saw that “north” went under yin and “south” went under yang, I was given the impression that the left-wing (socialist, progressive, secular) is the yin, and the right-wing (capitalist, traditional, religious) is the yang.
Didn't remember that this television show existed until just recently:

Even though I regularly watched The PJs during its initial run, I can't recall a single episode!
Maybe because it was a forgettable attempt by Eddie Murphy to make a comedy show, with the comedic bits being unfunny and unmemorable. It's not nearly as bad as some of the worst comedy shows ever, but it isn't as good as South Park, ATHF, or even The Boondocks despite the latter not being considered a comedy.
How fast is a Warp Star? Usually, Warp Stars move at a pretty slow pace, just because Kirby doesn’t need to travel that quickly. But they can travel quicker depending on the situation. Like, in Kirby’s Dream Land, he can travel into the background in a few seconds. In this case, the background is far enough away for it to look small. But in the first cutscene in Smash Ultimate, Kirby’s Warp Star can travel fast enough to escape light. It’s not that long before he just teleports, which isn’t possible in real life yet and, therefore, can’t be measured, but it’s very likely it’s faster than light. Light needs time to get between distances. Teleportation is instant. Kirby was also able to outrun the light for a respectable amount of time before teleporting. Kirby can clearly be seen outrunning some beams of light. It takes 0.13 seconds for light to travel around the Earth, so it should take a Warp Star a little less. I assume this would be 0.10. But if it can teleport, the answer is 0 seconds.

So, with all this knowledge gathered, saying a Warp Star is pretty fast is an understatement.

Unrelated, but using this Reddit post, I found out that, if we round up, 2 speed as a Pokémon stat is equivalent to 28mph.

Finally, this post was going to be way longer and something I could probably submit for an essay in a Physics class, but I realized a lot of it was exposition and ultimately had nothing to do with the original point.
I noticed a mistake in my entry at one of the Lunar New Year's threads.
It's 'Lunar' not 'Luna' 😭 and I can't fix that either, no editing once posted.
I finished my file in Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story today. It was the 3DS remake, and I was on the penultimate boss at first, Dark Fawful, and I was going to only do that boss, but because it was so close to the final boss, I decided to do both of them. Here’s my thoughts. It’s kind of a niche topic, but I’ll still put spoilers if you are interested in the game but haven’t beaten it yet.

Penultimate boss: Dark Fawful
I actually tried this one yesterday and failed three times. Today, I realized I had Easy Mode on. When I turned it off, it made my attacks do a lot less damage. So now I’m even more confused as to how I failed yesterday. Anyway, the main gimmick is that Fawful’s Vacuum Helmet heals him back to full health if you deal damage, and also lets him avoid attacks, so you have to wait for it to fly off him, which happens every few turns. When it happens, you get your chance to inhale it as Bowser. It has a lot of health, and it’s very annoying, especially because it can fly out while Mario and Luigi are fighting, and if that happens, you have to wait even more turns before you can inhale. It’s almost foreshadowing the final boss. Except here, it doesn’t heal when it leaves. I had to rinse and repeat about three times before finally destroying the Vacuum Helmet. After finally doing that, which is raw catharsis by the way, you can finally actually attack Dark Fawful. It only took me a few Brawl Attacks to get him to Fury. And then it took two perfect Broggy Bonkers to finally kill him. Like I said, I was happy enough to just do that, but I saw that the final boss was pretty close, so I did that, too. After a room and a minigame, you’re there.

Final boss: Dark Bowser
As you might expect, this was not a very easy fight. I died twice before realizing that my current strategy clearly was not working. Defeating Dark Bowser is easy as he doesn’t have much health. He’ll be revived by Dark Star Core, which is a combination of Dark Fawful and the rest of the dark power. Then, Dark Bowser gets up and grows big. He might use an attack and then you’ll have to punch him in the stomach to get the Dark Star Core out. Then, you suck it up for Mario and Luigi to fight. The parts of it are its glasses, which have to be broken by being attack, and its three appendages (easily defeated with a Snack Basket, but can only be targeted after its glasses are destroyed). After this, only the main core is remaining, and it has some heavy hitting attacks. But if you don’t defeat it in time at its core form, it flies out, goes back to Dark Bowser, and next time you inhale it, it’s completely back to full health! All of its body parts! What tended to happen on my first attempts was that I’d be killed by one of its attacks as a core, or it would escape and Bowser would die. To combat this, I decided to actually change Mario and Luigi’s badges and gear. The badge combo I had, KO badge, makes your next attack do three times the damage. It was super helpful. I also decided to get them to the Rainbow Rank since they were at level 29, one level away. To level up, I went to some older areas in the game, which was really refreshing. I forgot how much I love the remaster of Grasslands, All The Way. It’s my favorite remix next to the song that plays in Peach’s Castle after being taken over. Anyway, I also gave Bowser an item that lets him attack twice a turn. I ended up getting two KO badges ready, and when Bowser inhaled the Dark Star Core, I broke all of its body parts and killed the main core easily with the badge. All it took was two Falling Stars. Bowser does his epic finishing attack, and Dark Bowser, the Dark Star, and Fawful are dead, bringing peace to the Mushroom Kingdom once again. But Fawful’s death caused everyone to be expelled from Bowser’s body. Mario and Luigi fight Bowser in the end credits, with pictures of the aftermath. Toads are cleaning up the castle and Bowser’s minions are fixing their castle. And something else really heartwarming happens, but I’m not going to spoil it here. It’s just a perfect way to end the game.

Thoughts overall​
The remake isn’t superior to the original, but it’s super underrated. It’s still a good way to experience the game, just not as good. I should have finished this game a long time ago, because I just left it there to collect dust, and I really should have played it more. I think the next Mario & Luigi game I want to play is Paper Jam.

God DANG there is a ton of Pokemon threads in the Nintendo Treehouse! Clearly this community has FAAAR more love for the games than I do LOL!!
Well, Pokémon is one of the most popular series of all time. It makes a lot of sense.
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Well, Pokémon is one of the most popular series of all time. It makes a lot of sense.
I guess I just wished other franchises got just as much love...especially Metroid. That series doesn't get NEARLY as much love as other franchises.
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Weirdly enough, I like some of the Pokémon spinoff games, but don't have a strong interest in the mainline handheld games. If I'm not mistaken, the only mainline game I own is Pokémon Blue. I know who some of the Pokémon are through the anime, memes, and the like, but am probably the only one on this forum who doesn't fully understand why there's always two versions of a mainline game released at the same time. I think I already know that both versions feature different Pokémon types, but nothing beyond that. I think I need a "for dummies" book on it.

I know that the franchise is as established as Mario and Zelda, but I feel that Nintendo sort of focuses on it a bit too much. I don't know why I feel this way; maybe it's because I see something Pokémon related on my Switch news feed at least a few times per week. Granted, it's easier for them to come up with many new ideas for the franchise, and the possibilities are pretty much endless with what they want to do. Same thing with the anime. Each season features different Pokémon, a different tournament and location, different allies and enemies (except maybe Brock for a large portion and Team Rocket appearing pretty much every season) with the only real consistent characters all throughout the entire run so far being Ash and Pikachu. I'll give the guys at Nintendo credit for coming up with lots of creative ideas for the franchise and not letting a ton of things go stale. They know how to treat a 30 year old series well.
I've been told by more than several people in the past that I'd make an amazing U.S. president.

It's too bad I have absolutely zero interest in politics whatsoever. Politicians in general are just corrupt liars anyway. :LOL:
i went out out on friday and my phone STILL feels gross from all the pub tables - but the case is made out of bamboo so if i use proper alcohol cleaning stuff it'll literally disintegrate...... 🥲 this is an actual disclaimer on the website (it's a casetify one so it was v overpriced and expensive anyway - just for me to ruin it!?!?) WHAT DO I DO LMAOO
The open world/survival game Nightingale looks stunning, it's just a shame it's only releasing on PC and Steam for now. 😭
Five second rule, hello?? 😏 I'm not too worried with germs. That's probably why I have a good immune system. 😁✨ Maybe let your phone overheat... 🤔 that might burn off those microbes! ☝️😀💡