Smooth orange juice is way better. For some reason here they always call the pulp "juicy bits" on the carton and that just puts me off even more. Like nah thanks you can stay away from me with your juicy bits.
I hate orange juice with bits, especially when you get to the bottom of the carton and it's just thick nastiness. There's literally no juice to drink when it's like that, I can't stand it. Preferably I'd have it completely smooth but I suppose a little bit of pulp is tolerable.
When I had orange juice, I would have it without pulp, although I don't drink orange juice anymore.
No pulp. I hate pulp in everything, including lemonade. I hate little things floating in my drinks.
How about OJ with....EXTREME PULP?

I like pulp. I don't know why. I like without pulp too but still.
No pulp. Why would you want little bits and stringy clumps in your orange juice?
Give me orange juice! Pulp, no pulp, or even the glass full of oranges as displayed in nostalgibra's picture looks quite delicious!