Giveaway [OFFLINE] come and pick up unorderables and a few golden tools!

Hey, can i come? Can also bring you the lemons :)
I'm Isi from V?stg?rd, my FC is 2552-3667-5088
Nice, I'll be on my way! :D
Opening up now! Thank you for letting me know you're coming, people always skip that even though I included it in the rules

- - - Post Merge - - -

The giveaway is closed for toda, thank you for participating, guys
I would love to enter!
Mayor Name : Valvi
Town Name: Vazerine

Hnnn <333
Mayor: Kellin
Town: Hell

Thanks so much for doing this OvO

I would like to enter c:
Mayor Usagi of Tiramisu

Sorry guys! the giveaway is closed right now. I forgot to change to the "offline" title but you still should have read the rules where it states you should not post after I posted I was done for the day :p
That is because there is a very slight chance you guys will be online by the time I open again, so there's no point.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Good evening, the giveaway is open for a while!
Also, If someone lets me in to their town to get signatures, I'll bring 3 giftbags to their town :)