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Official Cereal Thread

I've gone through my 2 mega boxes of Cheerios, and now I move onto Cookie Crisps. I'm very choosey with my cereal and I rarely eat the same thing twice unless I have no other choice.
I love all different kinds of cereal.my top three favorites are...

Fruit loops
Reese's puffs
Frosted flakes.

I go through a ton of cereal each week.I currently have about 30 boxes stored in my cupboards.They were on sale for $ 1.49 a box.I always stock up when they go on sale.
I have been getting into LIFE cereal. It is really good!
It's not that healthy for you considering how bland it is. I think there are better options.

I have it with cinnamon. And do not judge me please or I will report you to the mods!!!
When I was away working this Summer I had Lucky Charms nearly every day. They were meh at first but I kinda just got used to them. I haven't tried any new cereals for quite awhile. Any suggestions?
Haven't eaten cereal in ages, but I used to like Cheerios with sliced up banana + honey + cinnamon.
When I was away working this Summer I had Lucky Charms nearly every day. They were meh at first but I kinda just got used to them. I haven't tried any new cereals for quite awhile. Any suggestions?
Cinnamon toast crunch is really good. And I buy boxes of lucky charms only for the marshmallows and throw out the rest and then later i have an only marshmallow cereal :)
I like Special K Red Berry, Honey Nut Cheerios, and now this healthy cereal I got in Costo with pumpkin seeds and flax. :) It sounds weird but it has enough sugar to keep me satisfied. :)
Fruity Pebbles will always be a guilty pleasure. So sugary, but soo gooood.

Smart Start is a really good cereal and I also really like Rice Krispies. I know people add a lot to Rice Krispies, but I love them on their own.
The other day I was looking in the cupboard for a snack and found some cereal and it was 123 Sesame Street C is for cereal + S is for strawberry. I did eat some but i had less than half a cup of milk to eat it with. It's actually flavorless and taste nothing like strawberries.
The other day I was looking in the cupboard for a snack and found some cereal and it was 123 Sesame Street C is for cereal + S is for strawberry. I did eat some but i had less than half a cup of milk to eat it with. It's actually flavorless and taste nothing like strawberries.

are sure it wasn't off...?
i had cheerios for breakfast (probs around lunchtime tbh) with some honey
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Ate nutri-grain and blegh the hard-ass pieces..why you gotta be in there mang ???? >:"(

The store brand cereals are so much better than they used to be.I just finished off a box of Kroger Chocolate Toasted Oats and they were just as good as actual Cheerios....and a lot cheaper.
During elementary school I would eat tons of Capt Crunch, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Fruity Pebbles. Why? Because I love sweets! I would go to the dentistry to get rid of several cavities on most of my molars!
In middle school I just stopped eating cereal and didn't eat much because I was going through some depression.
High school was when I jumped back into eating the most important meal of the day! I would enjoy Honey Bunches of Oats with almond milk and watch the news every morning before I left for classes. People told me that I sounded like a boring guy... But I liked it!
Now I'm in college and the dining commons have nothing but Cheerios, Raisin Bran, Pops, and Fruit Loops. I would just mix some Cheerios and Fruit Loops and eat those for breakfast.
I used to eat cereal quite a bit as a child but in my late child days and up, I've been eating less cereal. Unless it's something AMAZING (like Reese Puffs or Frosted Flakes), I'll just pass. I eat a full bowl and then I'm hungry again in 30 minutes. Not worth it.

Most (not all!) cereals are not that good for you but they taste so darn good! XD