New to ACNL - Question about bells


Collector of Bells
Dec 17, 2014
Hi guys. So I'm new to ACNL. I've played AC before but new to this game. Do you have any suggestions for making bells faster?

I've just been doing the rock trick and picking fruit. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :blush:
The quickest way I got bells while starting out was by selling seashells from the beach. When I could afford it, I also picked up a fishing rod and bug net and caught everything in sight! After I started selling fish to retail I made money a lot faster. :3
After I unlocked the island, though, money became pretty easy to come by since I can make 400,000+ every night selling beetles and sharks.
If you need help with anything, we're all here! :]
Just a heads up, all animal crossing threads need to be in the animal crossing forum category. I've gone ahead and moved this for you but be aware in the future.
Start with going to the island at night and catching the bigger beetles. Avoid miyama stags because they are worthless. Get good at sneaking up on bugs that land on tree trunks. In about an 45 min, you'll be able to make 300k. When you make around 2 million, start investing in turnips. You will need to buy 120 to make a profit. It should cost around 1 mill. Then, go online and find a decent price to sell it at.
omgosh! I did not know about the beetles/shark trick on the island. I've been slowly grinding away - making around $50k a day LoL I also didn't know about Katrina's Good Luck Item trick.

I knew about turnips, just never messed with em. That will help SO much. Thank you guys <3

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Sorry ZR. New to forum >.<
Once you can go to the island, cut down all the trees and remove all the bushes except for 2 banana palms, one on the left side of the island and one on the right. When your island is bare, it causes the beetles to spawn only on those 2 trees and since you cleared everything else out, it also makes them easier to see.

If you have a trouble gauging the distance while trying to catch beetles, pick up a couple seashells and drop them the farthest away from the 2 remaining palms as you can to act as a "ruler" to how far you can be away from the tree for your bug net to reach. I will say that in general, the more expensive bugs are more "sensitive" to your movement and distance. But with experience you'll be able to better judge that. I would avoid the blue/red beetles, I believe its the Goliath beetle? And focus on catching the others and all shark-shaped shadows except for the sunfish. You want to let that go because you want to fill your basket with as many valuable fish and bugs as possible.

If you get really efficient you can easily make $350K+ in 30 minutes or $450K with the Bell Boom Ordinance in place. But since I TT a lot, I prefer to keep it at the Beautiful Town ordinance.

EDIT: Also, while you're waiting for the beetles to spawn, make sure you scare away the worthless bugs like roaches and locusts so that helps to "free up" a spawn point for beetles to appear again.


Also if you're privy to it, there's also the duping method you can Google. Plenty of people on Reddit can help you with that one. I never tried it personally. But it basically involves you buying those million dollar crowns from the clothing store and then using the dupe technique by hitting your wireless switch to get multiples of the same crown without having to buy another. And then reselling them at Re-Tail, which I think nets you like $750K a piece. I've read that Nintendo has confirmed that there is no real evidence that this will cause save-data corruption. There is a bit of a learning curve to timing the sweet spot when switching off the wi-fi switch however.
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Genius! Thank you Oddity. My mind is blown. I'd never heard of the duping trick either. Gonna be rolling in mad bells soon. I've literally been grinding. Pick trees all day - la la la - dreaming of money - la la la. This is AWESOME.
Genius! Thank you Oddity. My mind is blown. I'd never heard of the duping trick either. Gonna be rolling in mad bells soon. I've literally been grinding. Pick trees all day - la la la - dreaming of money - la la la. This is AWESOME.

Glad that helps! I didn't come up with the idea... I too was in search of a better way to make some real dough not too long ago. XD And I watched videos on the bug catching thing but really had to look around to find the 2-tree thing. Let me know how the duping goes. Some people are really against it, but hey, its up to you, as the player what you want to do with your copy of ACNL. People DO warn though, that once you make that much money and can get whatever you want, it may make ACNL less enjoyable simply because you'll be breezing it through so fast. So yeah, my limit is just bug-catching for now. Personally never did the turnip thing either.
Yeah :/ I get what you're saying. IDK if I'd want to do it. Like what do you do if you're a millionaire? Sit in your house and count your money over and over. I like the process of it. Like, hey I just paid off my Lighthouse project! Time to get a tan on the beach XD

I put off ACNL for awhile because I knew I'd get addicted. Now, when I play, my boyfriend asks me "pickin weeds?" *sarcasm face* Non-fans don't get it. It's not just pickin weeds!!!!!!!! It's makin money, decorating, keeping cute villagers, getting a rare item, fashion, flowers, moreee!
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Yeah :/ I get what you're saying. IDK if I'd want to do it. Like what do you do if you're a millionaire? Sit in your house and count your money over and over. I like the process of it. Like, hey I just paid off my Lighthouse project! Time to get a tan on the beach XD

I put off ACNL for awhile because I know I'd get addicted. Now, when I play, my boyfriend asks me "pickin weeds?" *sarcasm face* Non-fans don't get it. It's not just pickin weeds!!!!!!!! It's makin money, decorating, keeping cute villagers, getting a rare item, fashion, flowers, moreee!

Haha right? ACNL is the best drug. Been hooked since the first one. Although I didn't play the ones after that much or at all until New Leaf. Plus it'll be something to do when I'm at the airport and on planes. So many new things to discover and well I was really in it for the new deer species as well and I'm really into Nordic and Scandinavian interior design and when they came out with that Minimalist and Modern Wood series I was all like <3. I mean maybe your guy will understand if he's ever gotten addicted to Minecraft? Eh, it's kinda similar but not really. I mean ACNL is not a true sandbox game but there's a helluva lot of things you can do to it... And being able to be mayor and build PWPs is kinda cool. And also the whole pattern capability and the QR codes... Ughhh. <33333
IKR! I played City Folk for a minute which was pretty cool. For some reason, I prefer the handheld versions.

QR codes are just...AWESOME. You have more freedom to be creative. I love it. I usually scan other peoples' codes and admire the pretty dresses *_*

I love the new deer species. I actually scored Pashmina the other day. Who's actually a goat but looks like a deer to me. Erik & Fauna are just...adorable.

Okay, Modern Wood series is a dream. I'm actually going with a Rococo/Castle theme now. But Modern Wood is 2nd on the list.

He's a sports fan. >.> Tomato...tommatto. BUT we all have our hobbies.
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Yeah, those are GracieGrace prices! Also I'm horribly off on the resale value of the duped crowns. Believe they are 250-300K each. Sorry about that. Not sure where I got the 750K from haha. Maybe it's a bit higher than 250-300K with the Bell Boom Ordinance on. But it is genius how people think of these things to make some mad Bell.
Yeah, those are GracieGrace prices! Also I'm horribly off on the resale value of the duped crowns. Believe they are 250-300K each. Sorry about that. Not sure where I got the 750K from haha. Maybe it's a bit higher than 250-300K with the Bell Boom Ordinance on. But it is genius how people think of these things to make some mad Bell.

You're fine :D I'm just going to be glad to get more than 1 bell a day...what it feels like. IDK how I feel about it. If it's cheating or all's fair. I personally don't want to automatically have millions of bells but hey...people do what they do. It's bad I'm almost off work and all I can think about is playing my game. :p Such an adult I am LoL
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You're fine :D I'm just going to be glad to get more than 1 bell a day...what it feels like. IDK how I feel about it. If it's cheating or all's fair. I personally don't want to automatically have millions of bells but hey...people do what they do. It's bad I'm almost off work and all I can think about is playing my game. :p Such an adult I am LoL

Ha, thanks. It's funny to hear people complain and argue over what's considered "cheating" I mean, it's up to each individual's opinion and what you want to do with your choices. If it affects your experience in a positive way and you feel good about it, sure why not? You have every right to your choice. Frankly I'm guilty of TT'ing a ton back in City Folk to get money through interest. I quickly got what I wanted and then found the game a bore. So making a lot of money really fast there did ruin the experience.

This time, in New Leaf, I'm more invested in creating a dream town that I can share and be proud of now. Even if I can take a few shortcuts here and there, I know this is the right time for me. I want to use the shortcuts of my choice because I know it's gonna take even more time to cross the hybrid roses I want and to get the bush starts that I want from Leif and to grow and place them where I want without having to pawn off millions of Bells to someone on the forum. There will be a lot more trial and error there and I rather cut out the trial and error where I can and where it's less fun especially, which is making bells. Catching bugs and fish all day can become really tedious and boring. I rather have fun with making the town pretty and where money isn't an issue in the game. :p I'm just saving time where I can.

If you want, there's a user on the forum that will happily let you catalogue items for free and you can purchase them later from Nook's catalog. :D I got my complete Minimal and Modern Wood series this way!
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Also if you're privy to it, there's also the [redacted]

Not be a mini-mod or a pain in the ass, but discussing this is against the rules.

OP I'd use the beetle method for your first 1m. Then start using turnips to make 10m profits in 30 minutes.
Beetle farming on the island is very tedious, but everything else is even more tedious. So, after many many many hours on the island, once you've made around 1 mil, invest in turnips. Then you can go check out the Train Station here on TBT, you'll find lots of super high selling prices.
You only want to catch the beetles worth a lot of money. Otherwise, don't waste your time with the other bugs. There also sharks and certain fish that are worth a lot. If you want to make millions, you have to do this for a very long time, going back and forth, make sure it's 7pm when you head to the island, or time travel to 7pm every time.
Bell bloom at the start helps to make a lot of bells.
I set my island up like they show you online. I removed a lot of my trees. I have 3 trees on each side and put them far enough apart. No more scaring the bug ahead. I used shells as a marker but buried it at the right spot.

I made 400K to 500K each trip. Went about 2 to 3 times each night. It goes very fast if you setup your island right.
Grow more perfect trees and look for towns that have your fruit at premium. Having a good group of friends that shares turnip and premium items helps.
It's my 2nd year for the Snowpeople. Snowmama items go for 8888 at regular retail. Find a premium day and sale for double.