New furniture info thread

I had just recently updated my game and have been semi-grinding MEOW coupons on all four of my characters, I can post screenshots of what furniture I've gathered on this thread in a little while.

Instruction book {Mailed through Update}
2016-11-04 11.06.50.jpg

Wooden Counter {Harvy/5 MEOW coupons}
2016-11-04 10.27.23.jpg

Wooden display stand {Harvy/5 MEOW coupons OR Jack/3 coupons}
2016-11-04 10.27.30.jpg

Tile divider {Saharah/3 MEOW coupons}
2016-11-04 10.32.15.jpg

Pancakes {Wendall/3 coupons}
2016-11-04 10.30.33.jpg

Omelette {Zipper/3 coupons}
2016-11-04 10.34.52.jpg

Imperial Pot {Saharah/3 MEOW coupons}
2016-11-04 10.34.58.jpg

Sparrow's Nest {Harvy/5 MEOW coupons OR Nat/3 coupons}
2016-11-04 10.57.34.jpg

Billboard {Harvy/5 MEOW coupons}
2016-11-04 10.54.48.jpg

Autograph cards {Harvy/5 MEOW coupons}
2016-11-04 10.57.51.jpg

Sushi menu {Harvy/5 MEOW coupons}
2016-11-04 10.59.02.jpg

Round electric sign {Harvy/5 MEOW coupons}
2016-11-04 11.03.53.jpg

Wood plane table {Harvy/5 MEOW coupons}
2016-11-04 11.04.42.jpg

Metal and wooden table {Harvy/5 MEOW coupons}
2016-11-04 11.05.56.jpg

Iron garden table {Harvy/5 MEOW coupons}
2016-11-04 11.05.50.jpg

Just a little FYI... Every new item I've encountered being sold by Harvey so far is 5 coupons and all items from special characters is 3 coupons (regardless if it is new/orderable/unorderable). So new items found in one of the special character's vans can be ordered for 3 coupons as opposed to 5 charged by Harvey.
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Nintendo mails you presents for progressing in Puzzle League. So far I've gotten a fruit-panel floor, fruit-panel wall, and a Nintendo 3DS shelf.
Puzzle League items:
Not sure if someone already provided this info, but I found out how to get items from tumblr and would like some clarification on the flower fairy items.

Tumblr user therealbosszombie said:
"Fruit-Panel Floor - Start playing Story Mode in AC Puzzle League.
Fruit-Panel Wall - Play more Story Mode in AC Puzzle League.
Fruit-Panel Cushion - Complete Story Mode in AC Puzzle League.
Fruit-Panel Umbrella - Complete Story Mode on “Slightly Harder” difficulty in AC Puzzle League.
Flower Fairy Dress - Obtain at least 10,000 Points in “Score Attack” on Normal Difficulty in AC Puzzle League.
Flower Fairy Boots - Obtain at least 2,500 Points in “Time Attack” on Normal Difficulty in AC Puzzle League.
Flower Fairy Wig - Obtain at least ??? Points in “Garbage Attack” on Normal Difficulty in AC Puzzle League (Amount unknown, obtained after gaining 10,000 Points, but most likely requires less).
Flower Fairy Wand - Destroy at least 100 Candy Blocks in “Candy Attack” on Normal Difficulty in AC Puzzle League.
Nintendo 3DS Shelf - Destroy a “HUGE amount” of Blocks at once. Actual Amount unknown.
Nintendo 3DS Station - Get a Chain of at least 5 (Possibly less?). "

edit: Tested out the garbage attack on normal, got a score of 4.7k and got the wig. So it's even lower than that!
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