Trading Need Bells!! Will trade for help with landscaping and/or other stuff

Would you happen to have any lily lamps by any chance? I'll give you however many bells you want for one or two lily lamps
Do you have either of the pandas (Mama, baby),any of the three polar bears, or Papa Bear?? I'll pay 10,000 per bear!!!
I'm looking for the white boom box, lily record player, violet screen, Pave end table. I have plenty of IGB if those are the bells you are looking for. Make me an offer if you have any of the listed items to sell. :)

cancelling this offer...sorry, but no longer watching to see if you will return to this forum
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Does 100.000 IGB do? I can give you those for free :lemon: since I have them as spare dm me if you're online since its 10pm here right now .. I'll be on at 8 am sharp (Vienna Time)