My Town is being Destroyed... Seeking consolation...

Even though your town went down... at least everyone you knew was safe. If the worst had came, you're boyfriend might've been caught in the explosion.

This especially.... Good to know everyone you love is okay and you are too.... That's what matters most in the end.... :)

Still, this is a tragedy.... :(
Oh my gosh that is so awful! I'm terribly sorry that you are going through this nightmare Kaydee. I'm so glad you are alive and okay! I just logged on and I was shocked what I'd just found out about this tragity. I will be sending prayers to you and the townfolk. My thoughts be with you. <3
sorry for the awful pic, but this is my house right under the crosshaira. The orange line is the line where the fire went. Right under the line is our propane tank... Not sure how to feel about anything. They aren't letting people into the community.View attachment 147220

Holy cowturts. Also if it's arsonists then it'd be even worse... considering how easy it is to explode gas places, those have some damn flammable things.

>.< I wish I could help you more, but if you want to talk just send me a holler. I will be away for most of today though but otherwise I should be on.

Stay strong girl...

- - - Post Merge - - -

They say in the news here they think it's the drought and whatever underneath it, so I hope they find what's really behind. Nature's forces can be strong.
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The good news is my house is still standing. Bad news were not allowed back for a few more days probably. We have a cat still there if she got away in time, and I've got a pair of rats in the house... We likely have fire and smoke damage bit most of our stuff should be OK which is so much more than I could even hope for. I just really want to be home, but were alive and safe, and have a home to go to. So thankful.
The good news is my house is still standing. Bad news were not allowed back for a few more days probably. We have a cat still there if she got away in time, and I've got a pair of rats in the house... We likely have fire and smoke damage bit most of our stuff should be OK which is so much more than I could even hope for. I just really want to be home, but were alive and safe, and have a home to go to. So thankful.

Thank god for that, it's a major relief. We were super worried.

Well it's just a few days. They'll breeze by :)
The good news is my house is still standing. Bad news were not allowed back for a few more days probably. We have a cat still there if she got away in time, and I've got a pair of rats in the house... We likely have fire and smoke damage bit most of our stuff should be OK which is so much more than I could even hope for. I just really want to be home, but were alive and safe, and have a home to go to. So thankful.

Damn... sooo glad you are alright and alive after everything that's happened. Glad you're house is not more damaged too.

*hugs* stay strong gurl and my thoughts are with you all the time.
I'm gunna try to update at least once a day on here. Sorry I can't really reply to everyone individually. Thanks so much for all the thoughts and prayers. Definitely miss you guys. Hoping I won't have to evacuate from here too but its looking good this morning, nice clear skies on this side of the lake.
Is alright and understandable consider your situation. Glad to hear it looks better though.

Love you always <3
I saw a wildfire from a plane 2 months ago. It looked like a bomb exploded

It was in California
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look to the bright side you won't have a stressful life anymore
Ahhh I'm so sorry!!! We have a couple friends there and it's reaaaally bad!! :''( Hope you and your family are ok! It rained slightly where in the valley and I was hoping it would travel north but idk if it did.
Ahhh I'm so sorry!!! We have a couple friends there and it's reaaaally bad!! :''( Hope you and your family are ok! It rained slightly where in the valley and I was hoping it would travel north but idk if it did.

We only got sprinkles, and they were filled with ash. :( today were supposed to get some more rain.
Up to 30% containment as of yesterday! So happy!
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We only got sprinkles, and they were filled with ash. :( today were supposed to get some more rain.
Up to 30% containment as of yesterday! So happy!

Ahh, good to hear :) Hope you guys are doing alright and hope you get the rain.. you sure do need it!

hope my turts are okay and thinking of you!
I'm so sorry to hear about this. :(
However, many things can be replaced, but loved ones can not.
Where I live, in the middle of tornado alley, you just never know when you aren't going to get your near misses anymore.
Mother nature is a very scary thing...

I hope you guys are all doing well and have found out some information about your home or even your town.
My experiences with forest fires are not anywhere near to the level of Kaydee but... Just a few weeks ago while it was still Summer there were several forest fires raging around the major town that I live in. I don't think they could ever reach such a large town, even with how much foliage we have here, but it was extremely alarming waking up one day to see grey skies that were the product of all the smoke. I'd never seen that before, and it concerns me greatly that Oregon, much as it is known for raining frequently even during summer, had a number of forest fires raging near to civilian populations.

Even with how forest fire control methods are improving, the increasing dryness of these summers is devastating. :(
Hey everyone, just wanted to update. We're finally back home today. Not much smoke damage, the house is pretty much perfect, I can't say the same for many people I know. 888 houses was the last house count I saw that are gone. A beautiful house right down my street is gone... Toys still in the yard... Don't know when I can go back to work but my work stands too, its now serving as an evac center. No internet at home, going to be charged out the butt for data so this will be my last update until the internet gets fixed... Thank you all for your help, your words helped me stay strong and my community will rebuild because we are strong together and we will all make it through.
Maaan, so glad to hear from you <3 Glad to hear you could return but damn that was some serious damage...

Been so worried but now I hear you are somewhat back I feel so much better! Hope everything works out for the best.
Maaan, so glad to hear from you <3 Glad to hear you could return but damn that was some serious damage...

Been so worried but now I hear you are somewhat back I feel so much better! Hope everything works out for the best.

My thoughts exactly, word to word :(( So glad you're safe <333
Hey everyone, just wanted to update. We're finally back home today. Not much smoke damage, the house is pretty much perfect, I can't say the same for many people I know. 888 houses was the last house count I saw that are gone. A beautiful house right down my street is gone... Toys still in the yard... Don't know when I can go back to work but my work stands too, its now serving as an evac center. No internet at home, going to be charged out the butt for data so this will be my last update until the internet gets fixed... Thank you all for your help, your words helped me stay strong and my community will rebuild because we are strong together and we will all make it through.
Any update on the pets you had to leave behind? I remember you mentioning a cat. Really hope they're okay!

Did your neighbors make it out safe?