Trading My IGB for your TBT!

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Jun 26, 2014
100% (399) +
I have 20 mil IGB that I'd like to exchange for 100 TBT. I'd rather just do the whole 20 mil for 100 TBT instead of dividing it up (___ IGB for ___ TBT). If you're interested, let me know.

I prefer doing the Retail method since it's faster/easier for both of us (especially if there's an ABD nearby the shop), but if you'd rather me drop the bells then that's fine too.~
What is the retail method?

It's when the host puts stuff up in Retail for 999,999 bells (or less, but that's the most you can do at a time) then the purchaser buys those items and those bells gets directly transferred into the host's checking account. For example, since I'm offering 20 million bells, the host will put 20 items for sale in Retail for 999,999 bells each, which will equal 20 mil :)

If you're still confused, this explains it better since I suck at explaining things :p
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I'm interested. However since it's late I can't do the retail method. So if you could do it normally, can we? I'm in dire need of IGB
ignore this post! I commented on the wrong thread and don't know how to delete!
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Okay, that's fine, just drop wherever you can since it's pretty bad in some spots. haha. Adding you now. c:

Gate's opened.
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Okay. c: I'll save often in case of errors. Sorry for the inconvenience of having to drop :c Gate's opened for you c:
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