Most unique game you've ever played?

Luigi's Mansion.

Not original in the idea of sucking up ghosts with a vacuum, but as far as I know there aren't any other games around like it.
Pure Hidden, although I'm not sure if it would be considered a game. It's just one of those I-Spy games where you have to find objects etc.
Not really sure, although I think Eufloria would be up there. I think the games designers must have been high or something when they thought it up.

Guy 1 "Hey man...what if we made a game, where like, there's this one big tree, and then like these little seedling guys come out of it."
Guy 2 "Awwwwww yeah maannnnnn, then what if there were other little seedlings that wanted to like take over the other little seedling dudes."
Guy 1 "Yeeaahhh man, lets make it a game"

Yeah, that's just my interpretation of the conversation. The game itself is pretty awesome though.
Katamari Damacy, I played it at a friend's house. I seriously had no idea what I was playing.
also Flower, an add on game for the PS3, very entertaining, relaxing, but COMPLETELY pointless in every way.
Hm... I'm not sure. I'd probably have to go with Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (although I haven't actually beaten it yet).
Plants vs. Zombies.

It's so creative and unique I don't think that the gods themselves could think of it!
That game's amazing, you've got to try it.
Tingles roses or something like that. it was on an emulator and i didnt know what was going on.