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Most Painful Injury

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2 y.o.- my mom took out a really hot oven rack to cool. I crawled onto it. My whole side of my right leg has a giant scar. Still.

5 (or so)- running around on a wooden playset at daycare. I fell. Under my eye scraped the corner of wood. Scar. Still.

9 y.o.- playing basketball in gym class. We score a basket. Girl with long fingernails comes to high five me. She fails and scratches my eyeball. Hurts like crazy.

13.y.o- football tag in gym class. People ganing up on me. I run. Trip. Fall. Land on my wrist. Fractured it. Still is very weak today.

Yesterday (or 2 days ago if you're ahead of Pacific time) I was running an errand for my teacher... I went into Mr. Gallagher's room to give him a PTA note. It was a real quick trip, so I just kept one right by the door and the other one on it. He accepted, but then the door started closing, and it slammed on my fingers... for that whole day just thinking about doors made me cry.
OJ. said:

Yesterday (or 2 days ago if you're ahead of Pacific time) I was running an errand for my teacher... I went into Mr. Gallagher's room to give him a PTA note. It was a real quick trip, so I just kept one right by the door and the other one on it. He accepted, but then the door started closing, and it slammed on my fingers... for that whole day just thinking about doors made me cry.

Ever heard of Saghalie?
I haven't 'touch wood' had anything major

the only thing i have had was i sprained my ankle and still ran around for nearly a day
I hit my head on an iron radiator and cracked my head open. Thankfully no stitches ... they just used surgical glue.
My leg went under a fence and I got 44 stitches. Also once I was geting off my bike and I fell and hit my lip on a Fire Hydrant and got 5 stitches.
dropped a thirty pound water filled glass bottle, cut my thumb open and had to get 5 stitches up the side. no xbox for a week. :(
Well, when I was I think 6 or 5 I was playing football with one of my older brothers, he threw it and I was like "I GAWT IT I GAWT IT!" but I tripped over it, landing on my elbow (I can't remember what really happened). I have like 7 stitches on my left arm.
Then another time I my older brother (the same one <_<) was showing "Karate" moves (he didn't even know how to do them D<). He was holding my leg up, then he flipped me, breaking my same arm again.
Then another time I was like 10, I was trying to balance on my couch, until I fell off, my arm landed carrying my weight, causing it to break. It was the same arm D:. Thank God, I never broke my right arm.

I also have more broken bones but eh. When I was 6 it was most painful.
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