Midnight Release Party!


Resident Coldplayer
Oct 13, 2011
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Midnight Release Thread

So,will any of you be joining me in downloading the game as soon as the clock strikes midnight? Unfortunately, I'm in Europe so I'll have to wait until June 14th, but the excitement is still there!

If you're not downloading, is there a reason for this? Do you not trust downloads? Or just prefer hard copies?

Next Release: June 9th - North America.

Discuss! :lemon:
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I'll be staying up till midnight on June 9th, too! I'll let the game download while I'm sleeping so that I can play it in the morning. :)
Why is this though?? :confused:

I prefer a physical copy as well.
I just like having them separate in case something were to happen to one or the other.
I also just like having something physical and not just 1's and 0's.
I'm just gonna get it off Amazon, as I always do with games now.
They're cheaper. :D

Looking forward to it so much though. Hopefully I can play with some more people than I ever did before (I only had a handful of people to visit on CF. Now I'll have loads! :D)
I'm downloading it. So much easier than having to go out and get a hard copy, and it saves me from waiting/going out at midnight.
Yah I keep saying I'm going to buy the physical copy but I might get lazy and just end up downloading it.

I do trust a hard copy more, though I have no solid reasons why...
Actually, my dad pre-ordered the hard copy for me. But that won't stop me from staying up until midnight to watch the countdown reach 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes and 0 seconds.
I trust a hard copy more, although I'm not exactly sure why either. I've just had bad experiences with technology, and I don't want to lose my game if my 3DS stops working. Plus, I'd have to buy a bigger memory card if I'm going to download the game.

Mostly I just like physically holding the game in my hand and collecting the case/booklet. :)
But I'll totally join in with any midnight party releases, here or in the UK!
I'm going to buy the physical copy. I like having the box and little booklet. C:
And as nice as downloading sounds, I'm scared because many people who downloaded the Japanese copy have had bad glitches and data being corrupted, but maybe Nintendo fixed that in the patch..
I'm getting the physical copy. It's been on preorder for months. Maybe a year. I just don't like downloads of games. It feels like I'm playing a demo because all the games I have or have ever had are physical copies.
I'll join you at the midnight download haha. Then later that morning, I'll head to the store with my fianc? and buy the cartridge copy for him
I don't really like the idea of downloading. It just seems to risky, having all the information on the 3ds without a card or anything.
Don't say this is an old persons point of view, im probabely younger than most of you on here!
I have the physical copy preordered and plan to go pick it up as soon as gamestop opens. I prefer the physical copy incase something would happen to my 3ds (paranoid) but mostly just cuz I would also like the box and manuals and everything to go with all my other AC games. :) I will be a bit jealous of those who get it at midnight though hehe
I'm getting a physical copy, but since it's a Sunday, I'm not sure whether or not I'll be able to get it that day (especially because I haven't even pre-ordered it yet >_< )
The reason I want (or even need) a physical copy is because I don't have enough room on my SD card to download it, and I don't want to buy another one. There is also the whole thing about how I like to have these things separate so that I can sell them all separately. If I were to not want my AC:NL game anymore years and years down the road, I could sell it for some money to go toward another game.