Mental Illness Thread

I suffer from generalized anxiety, social anxiety, and depression. I feel like my depression has gotten worst after I went to college since I was away from home and all this new people surrounding me and I didn't know how to communicate, plus the pressure of doing good, it was too much to take in, which resulted for me not lasting a week and go home, I felt like a failure which made me more depressed. Going away from home for college will always be my biggest what if.

Now I'm a third year college student with a course that is kind of okay (its not my top choice but whatever) and I have this one major subject that focuses on reports and presentations and I'm gonna be a mess!!! I'll try to fake it out. I'm self diagnosed btw, my parents doesn't know or they refuse to acknowledge that I have an illness, idk. But I want to see a doctor, but I'm afraid and my mind is such a mess lol. (why is it easy to open up to strangers on the internet)
yo wats up bumping this thread bc im mentally ill n dying

nah but rly i'm seeing my therapist in a week (finally, i havent seen her in 3 weeks already because of summer n stuff). and now !! for the first time since, like, the beginning of july i feel like i probably will survive until thne ayyye progress lmao
nah but srsly im rly dependent on therapy so going w/o it for a month is rly hard for me and im kinda proud of myself for not being dead yet tbh.

but ayyy whats happening in ur lives
yo wats up bumping this thread bc im mentally ill n dying

nah but rly i'm seeing my therapist in a week (finally, i havent seen her in 3 weeks already because of summer n stuff). and now !! for the first time since, like, the beginning of july i feel like i probably will survive until thne ayyye progress lmao
nah but srsly im rly dependent on therapy so going w/o it for a month is rly hard for me and im kinda proud of myself for not being dead yet tbh.

but ayyy whats happening in ur lives

I lost all my Friends I made in a year in less than a week lmao


And I havent seen my therapist in 2 months maybe? Because since my parents owned her like 2 months (they got paid tho) She decided that "If u can't pay right now I wont visit u"

The funny thing is I am one of her first patients
I suffer from anxiety and depression and god knows what else, lets just sweep the rest to the corner.... hahaha
I have been diagnosed by my Dr and I have been seeing a counselor for almost a year now (about a few months after visiting the dr)

I think if you're unsure of whether to go to the Drs, just go- have a chat with your Dr see what they have to say etc. I was absolutely scared of going- I had left it so late and I was stuck in an extremely deep hole. I even took my cousin with me which I think made it even scarier- talking about very personal things like suicidal thoughts to anyone is scary never mind another family member. Or perhaps speak to a friend and get their intake on it

There were a few things that got to me but the biggest thing that made me worse was the guy I was with- it was love and all blady bla the break up really tipped me over the edge and then keeping in contact and seeing him hang out with another girl blady bla it really put me in a dark place- which seems only like yesterday. I finally realised how bad I was which made me want to get help.

I think to climb that next step on the ladder, you need to WANT to get better. And it showed it- I wanted to get better, I wanted to get out that black hole and my ex didnt (he was suffering from very severe depression) things started to look up for me but not so good for him etc.

In a year Ive made a massive improvement- I can see it and so can my counselor and family. I'm completely over my ex! woooooo! But I still have my moments of depression-and I have just accepted the fact that I dont think I will ever be 'cured' of depression and anxiety. I actually just think I can only learn how to deal with it better and control it. I think it will always be there. I decided I wanted to try and do it on my own with the help of a counselor and not drugs but lately I have been thinking about the medicine :/ I dunno.
Hi guys. I just wanted to ask if any of you tried using medical marijuana for anxieties and migraine? I've been suffering severe anxiety for almost a year now and been given a prescription for Benzodiazepines for my medication. But i heard alot of people telling me that marijuana helps relieve anxiety but im not im not sure if its true so i came up to search something about this idea and came across this marijuana strain from a certain site it says that i can discard all forms of stress and its euphoric buzz it delivers often is useful in combating anxiety and depression. I wanted to hear your thoughts about this guys and if you can give me any tips that can help me with my anxieties. Thank you!
Hi guys. I just wanted to ask if any of you tried using medical marijuana for anxieties and migraine? I've been suffering severe anxiety for almost a year now and been given a prescription for Benzodiazepines for my medication. But i heard alot of people telling me that marijuana helps relieve anxiety but im not im not sure if its true so i came up to search something about this idea and came across this marijuana strain from a certain site it says that i can discard all forms of stress and its euphoric buzz it delivers often is useful in combating anxiety and depression. I wanted to hear your thoughts about this guys and if you can give me any tips that can help me with my anxieties. Thank you!
i havent tried it myself but there should be easy to find people who have on google or something lol. but from what ive heard people have hard very different reactions from it, i know of people whose anxiety was made worse bc of it and people who developed dpdr because of it but there are also people who are like ”yo this saved my life” so it seems to be very individual lol.
Wow. I had no idea this thread was a thing.

Anyway, I suffer from bpd, major depressive disorder, and severe social anxiety. Right now, I am living in a group home for the mentally ill. I do not recommend it to anyone, regardless of how much your illness affects you. I feel like living here has actually made me worse, but luckily I am about to move into my own apartment. So yay!

Um, I see a counselor once a week usually and a nurse practitioner once month, and I have been to the hospital a total of three times because of my mental health. Again, not recommended. I am pretty sure my diagnosis might be changing, though, because the nurse practitioner changed my meds up a few months ago and the side effects of that have been...Interesting. Not really too sure what to do about that except just keep my doctors posted on everything. *Shrugs*
Oh boy. I've been having such bad suicidal ideation and isolation lately. I barely talk to anyone and feel so left out of life. :/ I don't even know what's happening. Maybe I've developed rapid affective (schizoaffective bipolar disorder), but I doubt it as not long ago I was hypomanic; and before that, I was super duper depressed yooooo.
I also have a new psychiatrist whom I HATE because he doesn't listen to me. I just want to die :') The only problem is is that I don't want to hurt my mum. She's the only thing keeping me alive. I can just imagine her finding my body -- it'd crush her. :/ But honestly, there's a few reasons I have to do it that I haven't told anyone. Don't ask.
I just feel like no one cares :)))
Also my schizotypal is peeing me off. It's basically characterized by "eccentricity" and severe lack of social skills. I honestly just can't anymore y'know??? :^) my anxiety is horrible as i worry about literally everything from my mum not having any petrol, to not having my licence yet, to being robbed. I guess I'm also a bit paranoid that if I try to talk to someone, I'll just be shut down or they'll turn their back on me and call me annoying.
I don't want my antipsychotics to work for reasons I won't disclose. but I will say I miss the delusional thoughts and the hallucinations. they made me feel good.
I've decided that this year I'm going to make my negative symptoms better (if that's even possible). I'll try to work on my speech, my social skills, my lack of facial expressions, my monotone voice, my inability to relate to others, my hygiene, my motivation, etc.

i'm just a big ball of wrong rn.

and no, i'm not a self-diagnosed person.
you're welcome to respond.

also please don't think i'm looking for attention; i only want to let it out somewhere. thanks for reading if you did read. :)
I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 11 and Aspergers Sydrome when I was 17. I don't like having these messing with my life but I figured things could be worse.
id probably become very emotionally unstable and hurt myself a lot (possibly die) if something happened to my boyfriend
hes the only thing that keeps me stable and even then i can crack and express extreme joy or sadness at random times : (
I struggle with severe anxiety, ADHD, Aspergers Syndrome, and possibly severe depression and suicidal thoughts.
It's nowhere near fun and I can't make friends without worrying about how unhappy they are near me. I wanna keep my issues mostly private, but I will say that the only thing keeping me from ending it is my best friend since 4th ****ing grade.
whomst else in this thread dislikes psychiatry

my new therapist actually asked me last session if my sister self harms as well out of nowhere for no good reason at all and when i said that she doesnt she was like "WELL HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT? maybe YOU are the person who's ignorant about mental illness? really makes you think, huh :')" (she didnt say the last part like that but it really sounded like that was what she meant.) and i really just gave up on ever working w her properly because she's a really bad therapist and it seems like she's there to push her own ego and not be professional rather than to help people, this was just something that really made me realize that this is never going to work out.
i'm working on transferring into adult psychiatry anyway (i'll be thrown out of the system i'm currently in in a bit over 3 months so yay) so i hope i won't have to see her much more lmao i really don't like her.

Wow. I had no idea this thread was a thing.

Anyway, I suffer from bpd, major depressive disorder, and severe social anxiety. Right now, I am living in a group home for the mentally ill. I do not recommend it to anyone, regardless of how much your illness affects you. I feel like living here has actually made me worse, but luckily I am about to move into my own apartment. So yay!

Um, I see a counselor once a week usually and a nurse practitioner once month, and I have been to the hospital a total of three times because of my mental health. Again, not recommended. I am pretty sure my diagnosis might be changing, though, because the nurse practitioner changed my meds up a few months ago and the side effects of that have been...Interesting. Not really too sure what to do about that except just keep my doctors posted on everything. *Shrugs*

shouldnt they like tell you about it if your diagnosis is changing? it sounds like a stupid thing to not let the patient know about what's going on with their treatment but then again psychiatry Sucks.

my doctors and psychologists wanted to hospitalize me a few times back when i actually told people that im suicidal, but i really didn't want that because i think it would be really bad for me. being locked up, having things taken away, not having privacy, and having to be around other mentally ill people (in my experience it's just a really triggering game of "lol i'm The Most Sick look at how much i can destroy myself") sound like the worst things to combine to actually make someone better....
idk what it's like in your group home (like, maybe it's bad for you for completely different reasons) but i think it's quite uhh Problematic to just put someone somewhere and call it treatment.

I also have a new psychiatrist whom I HATE because he doesn't listen to me. I just want to die :') The only problem is is that I don't want to hurt my mum. She's the only thing keeping me alive. I can just imagine her finding my body -- it'd crush her. :/ But honestly, there's a few reasons I have to do it that I haven't told anyone. Don't ask.
I just feel like no one cares :)))

oh god, that sounds horrible, dealing with bad mental health professionals sucks. imo not feeling listened to is one of the most frustrating things ever, especially when they think they know your brain better than you do yourself. (u could say "Hey Susan im extremely afraid of spiders lol" to them and theyd be like "oh i understand, you're really stressed about a math test? :')")
Is there any way for you to see someone else or get support outside of the new psychiatrist?
also, i think it sometimes is good to tell the person you're seeing that it's not working out and that you don't feel listened to but obviously idk what your situation is like but i just think you shouldnt have to deal w seeing a crap psychologist you know??
I have clinical depression (or major depressive disorder whatever you wanna call it). My first bought of it was about two years ago, came off my antidepressant in February and had to go back on it in September. Unfortunately it was enough so now I am on two different types of antidepressants. So far they are working, but I needed to increase the dosage on the new one.

I'm also prescribed an anti-anxiety medication. Unfortunately I am one of those lucky souls that has depression with anxiety.

I've tried the therapy route and it just didn't do it for me. The antidepressants really help and level me out. Plus my family doctor is so good about my treatment. I see her every 2-3 months for a check in.
i grew up with selective mutism ? to those who don't know, it's a severe social anxiety disorder that keeps you from talking/emoting/making any sort of noise/standing out, no matter how much you want to. it's not that you choose not to talk, it's that you're physically unable to bring yourself to. even though i've recovered and can talk in social situations it still affects lots of my personality.
in addition to this i have depression lol fun.

my psychiatrist also says that she's pretty sure i have sensory processing disorder (though hasn't given like an ""official"" diagnosis, it's coming from a professional). she also told me that i could probably relate to many autistic characteristics/symptoms, but there hasn't been a big reason to test me on it or anything. i dont really know. though i do know it's super common for autistic people to have sensory issues, and often be mute especially in childhood. i have that in common and other characteristics, but it's not something i want to self-diagnose myself with, i'd rather hear from a professional. plus, i'm not in too much of a hurry i guess, idk it's whatever lol.
i also have a lot of symptoms of schizoid personality disorder? though it's unclear on whether or not i have this as well (its hard to tell when i seem to have some autistic traits and depression together). regardless i still have a bunch of traits associated with it
whomst else in this thread dislikes psychiatry

my new therapist actually asked me last session if my sister self harms as well out of nowhere for no good reason at all and when i said that she doesnt she was like "WELL HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT? maybe YOU are the person who's ignorant about mental illness? really makes you think, huh :')" (she didnt say the last part like that but it really sounded like that was what she meant.) and i really just gave up on ever working w her properly because she's a really bad therapist and it seems like she's there to push her own ego and not be professional rather than to help people, this was just something that really made me realize that this is never going to work out.
i'm working on transferring into adult psychiatry anyway (i'll be thrown out of the system i'm currently in in a bit over 3 months so yay) so i hope i won't have to see her much more lmao i really don't like her.

shouldnt they like tell you about it if your diagnosis is changing? it sounds like a stupid thing to not let the patient know about what's going on with their treatment but then again psychiatry Sucks.

my doctors and psychologists wanted to hospitalize me a few times back when i actually told people that im suicidal, but i really didn't want that because i think it would be really bad for me. being locked up, having things taken away, not having privacy, and having to be around other mentally ill people (in my experience it's just a really triggering game of "lol i'm The Most Sick look at how much i can destroy myself") sound like the worst things to combine to actually make someone better....
idk what it's like in your group home (like, maybe it's bad for you for completely different reasons) but i think it's quite uhh Problematic to just put someone somewhere and call it treatment.

oh god, that sounds horrible, dealing with bad mental health professionals sucks. imo not feeling listened to is one of the most frustrating things ever, especially when they think they know your brain better than you do yourself. (u could say "Hey Susan im extremely afraid of spiders lol" to them and theyd be like "oh i understand, you're really stressed about a math test? :')")
Is there any way for you to see someone else or get support outside of the new psychiatrist?
also, i think it sometimes is good to tell the person you're seeing that it's not working out and that you don't feel listened to but obviously idk what your situation is like but i just think you shouldnt have to deal w seeing a crap psychologist you know??

Um, well, my psychiatrist doesn't actually know about all of my new symptoms. I keep meaning to tell her, but then she wants to talk about something else and yeah...Also I have a pathological fear of bothering anyone in anyway imaginable. I don't even like making phone calls because of it.

And, yeah, the psych ward sucks, but sadly it is the only way to get people to take mental illness seriously in my experience. Like everyone in my family thought I Was faking or being overdramatic before I ended up there. Now, whenever we go out everyone's just like, "Hey, this is (insert name). Sorry she's awkward, but she's mentally ill." That's about as far as the understanding and support goes.

The group home definitely sucks. I could tell you some real horror stories about this place. Thankfully, I am getting out next Friday.
oh god, that sounds horrible, dealing with bad mental health professionals sucks. imo not feeling listened to is one of the most frustrating things ever, especially when they think they know your brain better than you do yourself. (u could say "Hey Susan im extremely afraid of spiders lol" to them and theyd be like "oh i understand, you're really stressed about a math test? :')")
Is there any way for you to see someone else or get support outside of the new psychiatrist?
also, i think it sometimes is good to tell the person you're seeing that it's not working out and that you don't feel listened to but obviously idk what your situation is like but i just think you shouldnt have to deal w seeing a crap psychologist you know??

Not unless I get this disability plan I've applied for. With my condition, the lady told my mum I'm likely to get it, but you never know. Also, there's a schizophrenic girl my mum was talking to that said she's been accepted, but has been waiting a year just to get information and she still doesn't have it.
I don't really want to see someone because the only one I could talk to left me because I'm now an adult. I felt so abandoned (and she knows I have a fear of abandonment). I'd rather talk to my friends; but even they don't care. I'm just stuck in my own little bubble of recluseness and loneliness.
Not unless I get this disability plan I've applied for. With my condition, the lady told my mum I'm likely to get it, but you never know. Also, there's a schizophrenic girl my mum was talking to that said she's been accepted, but has been waiting a year just to get information and she still doesn't have it.
I don't really want to see someone because the only one I could talk to left me because I'm now an adult. I felt so abandoned (and she knows I have a fear of abandonment). I'd rather talk to my friends; but even they don't care. I'm just stuck in my own little bubble of recluseness and loneliness.

Are you in the US?

I applied for disability almost 3 years ago, and I only just got approved last month. There is a good chance you will have to go to trial.
Are you in the US?

I applied for disability almost 3 years ago, and I only just got approved last month. There is a good chance you will have to go to trial.

Nah, Australia. The mental health system is better (not by much) over here from what I've heard.