Making Dirt Paths?


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2013
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
I was thinking about trying to make natural dirt paths. Does anyone know how many times you have to run on the grass to make it dirt? Or is it just too long to calculate?
"Log into your game. Run around all over your intended path. Then Save & Quit.

Log back into the game, on the same day, rinse and repeat.

It is believed that each tile of grass can regenerate once per day, but deteriorates once per session. So keep relogging and playing lots and you should have paths in no time!"

That is what someone suggested.
I've also found if you put a tile down (like you're laying a path) and then removing it tends to make the grass disappear. I have paths in my town and if I accidentally wipe one up there's usually only dirt under it c:
I redid my path today but I didn't notice any dirt beneath them.
It is believed that each tile of grass can regenerate once per day, but deteriorates once per session. So keep relogging and playing lots and you should have paths in no time!"

Oh my friggin god they STILL have the grass doing that each time you log in? I'd have at least thought they wouldn't have had that problem the second time around. >_> It's no wonder my grass dies for no reason. -- Looks like I'm going to have to go back to deciding what time I'm going to play every day and only play the game once. Jeeze I've logged into the game 7 times today due to forgetting to turn my clock back, then having to put the game down for breakfast and other stuff.. I was going to play again this evening but I guess that's not happening.

Thanks for mentioning that. At this rate I would have lost an ugly amount of my grass again.
Oh my friggin god they STILL have the grass doing that each time you log in? I'd have at least thought they wouldn't have had that problem the second time around. >_> It's no wonder my grass dies for no reason. -- Looks like I'm going to have to go back to deciding what time I'm going to play every day and only play the game once. Jeeze I've logged into the game 7 times today due to forgetting to turn my clock back, then having to put the game down for breakfast and other stuff.. I was going to play again this evening but I guess that's not happening.

Thanks for mentioning that. At this rate I would have lost an ugly amount of my grass again.

You shouldn't have to take measures quite that extreme. Do you have paths in your town? If you just stick to walking on the paths in your town the majority of the time you should be fine.

I log in and out multiple times a day, switching characters and the like, and the grass is far from struggling. Sure you'll have the occasional dirt patch, but you shouldn't be experiencing crazy amounts of deterioration from routine logging in and out unless you run all over the grass during each play session.
It took me aaages to get natural dirt paths. Well, about 1-2 months or so, with a lot of TTing and running everywhere. I'd dedicate about 5 minutes of each play session to just running about like mad. You'll get there c: