Let's examine the TOWN MAP

I've edited the picture again XD. Only this time I've added more detail
If the map is that big, o mah goodness. I'd probably get lost XD But that's pretty good, I'll find more things :p
Dislike the fact that the town appears to be on a ridge and you have to climb down to the beach...I hope there are alternative map layouts as well or it could get boring quite quickly.

It would be quite cool if you could buy the small island to the left and either use it to host games with friends or build a house on it.
I'm also hoping for a larger player capacity for wifi.
It looks like the island is back. I hope so!
Most likely Tommy and Timmy will have taken over as new owners.
Yeah,they should have Tommy run the store until Nookingtons where Timmy should help on the second floor.They are also young so they should make them a bit older but still make them look small.
I'm pretty sure that the northern clump of buildings is the city. Anyways, I hope it is because I like having Shampoodle available as soon as you start the game.
yeah, I liked in City Folk that you had access to Shampoodle as soon as you started the game