Lazy Villager Tier List

Really adore some of those in tier a and was only the fence on putting them in S, like Rex/Sundae (his Japanese name, which I think is much cuter for him), who is the only lazy I’ve ever had in my island. Derwin, zucker, paolo, and moe too.Like some people are saying, lazies are kind of hit and miss for me. But Clay and Cole are just too perfect!
Tier S are my dreamies. Tier A are those who may have been on dreamy lists before or I just really like. Tier B are those I'd enjoy on my island. Tier C are ones I'd be fine with temporarily. And Tier D are those whose presence I hope never do me the disservice of coming to my island.

I had 3 lazies at one point, I think they are cute but they got so repetitive so just have Cranston now. I like how he leaves bird footprints on the beach.

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lucky is one of my favorite villagers so he’s definitely at the top. I despise Barold, I should’ve made a F- tier and put him there. Sorry to the stitches lovers but I think he’s kinda boring:/ I think the bunnies are cute! I’ve never had Raddle or Marcel but I’d love to get them one day
Yeah aside from a few, I really don't like lazy villagers and their squeaky voices. I bet when you're gone for a while they squat in your house and secretly are the ones that turn your house into a live cockroach nest >.>

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Mine~ I passed up both Tucker and Sherb when I was hunting a snooty villager and I regret it now 😢

And I had Clay for a long time in New Leaf... TOO long. I just can't get into his design 😟

S Tier: Lucky's my favorite of the bunch due to his mummy design, but the others aren't too far behind. I love Drago's dragon design, even if his big pink lips look a bit goofy. I've loved Boomer's pilot design since the GameCube game. Stitches' cobbled together, multicolor look is really pleasant and the only reason he isn't higher is because of his house's interior design which, while fitting, isn't for me. I love Tucker's woolly mammoth design and Marcel's mime design. Finally, Raddle is the villager of our times.

A Tier: Solid group of good designs.

B Tier: Bob through to Spork are pretty good too, just not as good as the villagers in A Tier. Jeremiah through to Sherb are in B just because I like them better than those in C tier.

C Tier: Decent. Doc through to Wade are the ones that interest me most in this tier, and my interest in them continues to descend as the lines go on.

D Tier: Eh, they just don't do anything for me, really. Zucker could maybe be moved up to the bottom of C tier, but I just really don't like the takoyaki design as much as other people do.
This is so fun, I'm loving these tier makers!

I like quite a few lazy villagers, but apparently not as many as I thought!

(had to add a row though, because I absolutely LOATHE Clyde)

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Here's mine, Drago is my favorite lazy villager, Rodeo is my least favorite. I might move Jeremiah's placement, but he's so adorable and I like how his name cam probably reference a song.
Bones belong in the highest of tiers possible. Bob/Punchy has been a thing for me since forever. I've always imagine them getting together and doing stupid to chill things, I know if I end up getting them at the same time, it will be hard to let them go. They are still together in my second NL town to this day.