Just started my acgc town!! Any tips/tricks to it?


marvel brainrot
Feb 23, 2021
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Just started my lovely town in acgc! I got Kiki, bluebear, Sven, Ed, purrl, Cesar, i think thats it, im so sorry for all the other villagers Ive forgotten! Also, i need some tips/tricks because Its very hard to find guides online. Can you help me? Tysm!!! (Also tom nook is very handsome in this game i cant- *sarcasm) hahaha, just kidding!
Alright, let's go with it. I'll drop some things, hopefully they'll be of use to you: :)

- Once you plant a flower, you can't pick it up again, so think carefully where you want them! Because if you make a mistake, that flower is forever lost. You can run over it to destroy it, but you can't have it back.
- Villagers will leave randomly without warning, and there's nothing you can do about it. They sometimes may mention that they're considering moving out, but it's just conversation, it doesn't actually trigger anything. Whether you say yes or no to them is irrelevant.
- Talk every day with the police dog outside, he will tell you when a special character is expected to show up in the next few days.
- Villagers will mainly be rude to you for some time until they actually warm up to you. Don't take it personally nor think there's something wrong with them, that will always happen at the beginning (but for a longer time in this game).
- Storage will be a problem. There's no inner storage in this game, and every wardrobe/closet/dresser can only keep three items each. So keep that in mind if you intend to hoard lots of things.
Although it's been a looong time, I remember a few things.

When (not if) you run out of storage, you can store things attached to letters in the post office.

If you don't have a way to get fruit varieties, get a second memory card to set up towns and get different fruit from.

GYROIDS! Because there were so many, and not much storage, we had a "gyroid graveyard" where we buried the ones we weren't using. I really really miss the old gyroids.

Don't leave a lot of valuable things lying around. I might not be remembering correctly, but I think if you had a lot of things on the ground, they would go to the dump, which was automatically emptied at certain times.

And yes, get ready to cry when your favorite villager dumps you, moving away even though you treated them like a queen (Peaches...:cry:).

Last tip- enjoy the music!! Maybe it's because it was the first Animal Crossing i played, but i really miss the music from the gamecube version.