jawsehlynn’s art dump

so my art instagram got hacked this morning and almost all of my posts disappeared... feeling a little discouraged not gonna lie 😪 still trying to find a support i could contact but it ain’t looking well ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`)
also sorry that i’m taking a bit with requests - things are a little weird right now but i will get to them eventually :,)
in the meantime please enjoy this mobile wallpaper i made of lily and henry on a date heh (feel free to use too!)
so my art instagram got hacked this morning and almost all of my posts disappeared... feeling a little discouraged not gonna lie 😪 still trying to find a support i could contact but it ain’t looking well ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`)
also sorry that i’m taking a bit with requests - things are a little weird right now but i will get to them eventually :,)
in the meantime please enjoy this mobile wallpaper i made of lily and henry on a date heh (feel free to use too!)
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I needed a new background tysm <3 <3 I'm downloading this immediately
I'm sorry to hear about your account, that sounds really discouraging. I love seeing your art though, so I hope you keep posting!
I needed a new background tysm <3 <3 I'm downloading this immediately
I'm sorry to hear about your account, that sounds really discouraging. I love seeing your art though, so I hope you keep posting!
aw thank you so much, that means a lot 🥺💕 i’m hopeful things will turn out okay in the end!
copying from the main post but whew hello everyone, it’s been a while! sorry to those i didn’t finish requests for, i got really overwhelmed with life and especially my art acc getting hacked/disabled then 😔 i decided to just focus on one thing at a time - i now have a new account and i’ve been working hard to get my art out there again~
i actually just opened up my first shop on etsy yesterday and i wanted to share the ac goodies i made! most of them are stickers + a keychain of our beloved ketchup hehe :^) feel free to check everything out, hopefully i can get back to posting stuff on here too~ thanks so much for looking!! 💕


