I love this game


Certified Floof
May 15, 2016
I got this game along with the new 3ds bundle when it came out, and I just love this game. One thing I always desired in an AC game was to make my other villager's homes. People complain about the spin-off, but this is the first of its kind and shouldn't be completely trashed on. This game is insanely underrated I feel and under praised. Thoughts?
I like it! It might not have a ton of replay value, but I think that the ton of improvements and add-ons are great. And I think the fact Nintendo is expanding the AC franchise is fun and exciting ^^
It is really fun, but I did get bored after a while. I'll pick it up again one day and finish the plaza:x
I love this game!!

It isnt a game where you can play for hours. You decorate a house or two a day. Take it slow. I find it a lot more enjoyable that way. :)
I don't play it every day. I let it sit for a while and when I get an idea for a home or the urge to play I pick it up. That way it's not over too quickly and it doesn't get tiring.
I never understood why some people were against it. The purpose was to design home for villagers and that is what we do. I've always wanted to do this, so I love the game!
I guess I'm the only one that plays it for hours and designs house after house after house in this thread so far.

Maybe it was Nintendo testing out letting people customize villager homes for a future game.
I don't know if that's true or not but it'd be cool and I feel has potential to make it to new games.

I think it's fun.
It really allows you to get creative and have some fun.

I had misplaced my copy but found it again yesterday and have been playing it a lot since then.
I started over and have been really enjoying it.
I've gotten three buildings done, and 10+ villager houses done I think.
I'm just working on unlocking a lot of the furniture and items before I go back to villager houses to redesign and upgrade their houses.
Gotta make really nice houses for HHN xP
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I guess I'm the only one that plays it for hours and designs house after house after house in this thread so far.

Maybe it was Nintendo testing out letting people customize villager homes for a future game.
I don't know if that's true or not but it'd be cool and I feel has potential to make it to new games.

I think it's fun.
It really allows you to get creative and have some fun.

I had misplaced my copy but found it again yesterday and have been playing it a lot since then.
I started over and have been really enjoying it.
I've gotten three buildings done, and 10+ villager houses done I think.
I'm just working on unlocking a lot of the furniture and items before I go back to villager houses to redesign and upgrade their houses.
Gotta make really nice houses for HHN xP

I did that when I first got it, but I quickly started drawing blanks when it came to designing creatively, so I decided to take it slow instead. I recently got NPC cards so I'm excited to design homes for them!
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Mmm. I've got to agree - This is a wonderful, relaxing and creative game.

I feel that the only reason it's disliked is because people expected a main-series game, not a spin-off, and got their expectations up. I knew what I was getting right off the bat, so I'm very pleased about it.

I also like taking it slow, a house or two every few days. This game has definitely got a lot of content!
Yeah, working on it slowly is probably the best in my opinion. I also look at other peoples houses for inspiration because I have no creativity whatsoever lmao.
I did that when I first got it, but I quickly started drawing blanks when it came to designing creatively, so I decided to take it slow instead. I recently got NPC cards so I'm excited to design homes for them!

I'm going to preface this by saying I might sound rude or condescending, but I don't mean it that way I just don't know how else to word it.

I think part of the reason I'm able to play it for hours is because I get more ideas the more I play it.
I'm really creative and like to try different ideas with the next house.
I do kind of have similar themes or placements that I do for a lot of houses for items, but it always looks a little different because it's different items, colours, etc.
Plus I'm still working on unlocking a lot of items so I can go back to the school, the Cafe, make my shop, etc.
A lot of it for me right now is unlocking more items.
I have a theme in mind for my school, the shop and changing up the cafe a bit to fit that theme as well.
And then I plan on going back to villagers once I have certain items unlocked and theme-ing their houses that way as well.
And just making their houses bigger.

It seems like a lot of the most popular houses on HHN are the larger sized houses with lots of nice items.
Which is somewhat obvious that those would be the most popular, that and the creativity behind some of the houses is pretty awesome.
I like it, I really do, it just get so boring after awhile. It's a good game, but there isn't that much to do, I'd much rather have a full pledge game itself. However, It's fine. Maybe it could only be 20 dollars though, ACNL is better and costs less. But otherwise I like the game, even though I hardly play it.
Yes !! Its my new leaf dreams comes true! How is everyone not totally freaking out over this? The only problems i have are that the land spots are too small, it would be nice to create a tiny little town along with your villager's house, and maybe add two oe three more villagers houses to that plot of land as well, like choose te amount of villagers you want in one space, like it could expand up to like 20! O___o i like the 3 villager idea tho lol
I love it too! I got a lot of my ideas for my Mayor's house in New Leaf from the game and now I am an expert at customizing furniture in new leaf because it helped me memorize the items which can/can't be customized.

It's really fun to take your time on a house and try out several different layouts and furniture until you find just the right combos! I love all the new items and whish some of them could be obtained in new leaf! Lots of cute new chairs and tables.
I love it too! It's very relaxing and stimulating at the same time, lol. Each request is like a puzzle and there is no wrong answer! It's also helped me in New Leaf, like for example when a villager asks me to get an object of a specific size I know EXACTLY what I'm looking for!