I am pretty much completely discouraged from making art.


Canadian at heart 💜🇨🇦
Oct 30, 2011
Sweet Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Sweet Heart Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Idk why, but lately I've had a jealousy issue when it comes to art. I'm jealous that other people can make such awesome art pieces and I can't. Im at the point where I don't even want to try anymore because I don't have the time, patience, or creativity/skill to draw well and add cool aesthetics.

Basically, someone about a month ago told me my art was outdated. That people look for cuter or I guess "better styles". Im sure they weren't trying to bring me down, but after I read that I have been extremely discouraged. I don't even really want to reopen my art shop because my art isn't worth anything. And no offense but people who I personally think dont draw as well as I do still not only get more requests but they charge more! And get the money! Like I usually get around 50 tbt for a drawing but someone else might make a drawing that I think is about my level and they get like 150 for it??

Idk I'm just ranting, I'm really irritated with my art and I'm about to just give up.
- If you give up drawing, you're never gonna get better.
- You need to draw for yourself, and not for other people.
- You don't even need to post everything you make online. Keep them in sketchbooks or folders in your computer. In a few weeks/months, you can go back to them, and try to redraw them to visibly see your progress and get motivated.
- Your "value" in TBT or RLC value not 100% measured by how good your art is, but the strength of your portfolio, flexibility of styles/mediums, and even your web presence. Not everything is about the numbers or even getting things back in return. Sometimes I like popping in and doodling things for people for free because it's therapeutic to draw. xD
Aww. Don't be discouraged! I think your art is adorable and worth more than 50 TBT. There will always be someone better, but that's the case with everything. Even the best artists in the world are jealous of other people who they think are better. If you enjoy art, I wouldn't let jealousy get in your way. :)
its okay to admire other art but you shouldnt be discouraged from it, youll never ever improve or be happy if you keep comparing yourself to others or wishing you had another style or more skill, because skill can only be acquired from practise! i feel jealousy is something every artist feels some times, because there's always ways to improve, no matter how much of a master is at something. even michelangelo would say "a great piece of art is never finished, merely abandoned." you can work for years until you decide youre happy with your work, but there will always something you can add/do differently. it doesn't matter if it takes you one year, or two, or a decade to get at a level you find skillful now, everyone works at their own pace, and really, every good artist you see could only do stick figures at one point. look into more tips, videos, and guides instead of just eyeing others' finished pieces. i usually stay away & never really actively look and seek out art on social media because im the type that will compare too, unless i really need inspiration or some loose references, or if i've had interaction with the artist. its best to just focus on you doing you. as for the pricing thing, just bump it up! you dont have to wait till you're in higher demand to bump it up, and honestly there are some people (including myself) that stray away from buying under-priced art, no matter how good it is, and the rare times i do, i always tip to the amount i think they should be charging. i think pricing yourself fairly shows that you respect yourself, what you make for yourself, and what you're making for others. :) and as apharel said, pricing isn't just based on how "good" an artist's work is, because that's subjective, and it's more about how in-demand & popular they are. if you stick to working on your art, then you'll surely build up a following and stronger demand over time, and improve your skill level too (<-- though that is something that goes without saying, as practice always can make 'perfect')
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I believe that almost everyone on any artistic level feels that way at some point. I'm actually feeling like that as well right now so I totally understand your feelings. So much practice needs to be put in there to get better and it makes me want to not try altogether but I really do love drawing and can't stop even if I tried. Watch video tutorials, doodle, try recreating an image, anything. You will get better I promise!! I always feel like I don't improve at all and regress, but looking back i did make baby step progress. If you are feeling hopeless right now, try the draw this again meme with a drawing from a few years ago and you'll see that your efforts were not put to waste

Also you don't need to listen to that person. Everyone has a style that they like. Aiming for a style that you love instead of trying to comply to popular styles will make you much happier. There are people who seek to commission the old cartoon-y style.

Tldr; if drawing is something you're really passionate about, try finding a style that you're fond of and want to achieve so that you're motivated to improve. Then look up tutorials if needed and draw whenever you can/feel like doodling ^^ I think a drawing a day (even if it's just like a headshot doodle) helps a lot
I guess having a PWYW shop isn't all its cut out to be unless your art style is really popular. But I'm not sure how much people would be willing to pay. I prob won't reopen for quite a while so I have time to think.

And from what I've read so far, I agree. I especially loved the one that said "you need to draw for yourself, not for others". Tbh I only have an art shop so I could make some much needed tbt. Im probably gonna stop requesting and doing commissions got a while after I get all the current ones finished. I need to just... draw for myself.
If you are doing art just so you can be better than other people (aka out of jealousy), then you are probably doing it wrong. If you don't have the time/creativity/motivation to draw, then that's completely fine. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. However, if you are really committed, then take your time and go at your own pace. I hope you will find something you like and enjoy!
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i definitely agree with drawing for yourself and not others! i actually hate doing commissions haha but i only do them so i can get money to buy art ;n; but mostly i will just draw whatever i want to and most of the time i put off commissions i should be getting done to draw other stuff whoops.

one of the most helpful things i have found is just to remember this-

art is not a talent, it is a skill.

and nothing has helped me more than that, because yes, i admire people that have better art than me and yes i get crazy jealous and ugh why cant i be that good, but the chances are, and i know they are in most cases, that they have been intensively doing and seeking to improve their art for years and years and i am no where even close. its like learning an instrument, most likely, people at proffessional level will have been intensively learning and practicing for years and years before they are anywhere near that level

i hope this was helpful! i actually quit art a while back and i only really got back into it this year after realising that i was never going to get where i needed to be if i didnt take the time *a lot of time* and get there!!

so you can do it! just keep at it! <3

- - - Post Merge - - -

another thing i would recommend is to look at other peoples styles that you like and look at the specific parts that you like. like the eyes style? pop that into your own. like the face shape? try and replicate it. shading? line style? but obviously not all from one person of course xD and that way you will make a style full of things that you love!
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I can totally understand how you feel. I think it's common for all artists to feel jealous of each other and it's normal to feel that way! I personally get discouraged when I draw something and people don't even say thank you or don't put it up with the rest of their character art collection. It feels really crappy. I have a hard time staying motivated to draw; I'm super lazy, lol. x_x

But when you get the rush where you feel like drawing, do it. It doesn't matter how good or bad it is, just do it. Getting into the habit will surely see improvement. You don't have to post all your art if you're not comfortable. I have tons of art I don't share online and most are just crappy doodles for practice. Don't be afraid to experiment. Everyone starts out somewhere.

I quit art when I was younger due to lack of time and feeling discouraged and am in the process of returning to it. It's okay to take art breaks if you feel overwhelmed or uninspired. We are our own worst critics when it comes to art so don't be so hard on yourself.
My comment will be the shortest because I'm not an expert but oh well.
If you want to stop. Stop. Nobody's stopping you. But you can stop yourself. Sometimes taking a break is all you need. Instead of getting jealous at other people's art, think of how you could implement some of their styles into your art. But remember, everyone has their own style of art, and because others dislike it, it doesn't mean you should be discouraged. And I really like your art.

that was probably the most inspirational thing I've ever said...